The Arizona Republic

True L-E-A-D-E-R-S-H-I-P spells everything out


U.S. president and fivestar general Dwight Eisenhower used a simple device to illustrate the art of leadership. Laying an ordinary piece of string on a table, he’d illustrate how you could easily pull it in any direction. Then he’d push it and show how it didn’t go anywhere, saying that people were the same way.

Leadership at any successful organizati­on needs to be plainly defined. Here’s how I see it:

A leader must be loyal to the organizati­on, and leave no question that he or she is committed to its success. A leader models loyalty so that it works top down, bottom up and side-to-side, and at all times.

Leaders know that enthusiasm is contagious, and they help spread it around. If you are excited about hitting the pavement every day, it will show. And that generates enthusiasm among your employees and customers.

Truly effective leaders accept adversity as a condition of doing business. I have never met a successful person who hasn’t had to overcome either a little or a lot of adversity. Don’t be afraid of adversity — handled properly, it makes you stronger. It helps you grow.

Determined people, particular­ly determined leaders, possess the stamina and courage to pursue their ambitions despite criticism, ridicule or unfavorabl­e circumstan­ces. In fact, discourage­ment usually spurs them on to greater things. When they get discourage­d, they recognize that in order to get different results, some change is required. Determined people also exhibit another “D” trait: discipline.

We lead by example, whether in business, family or friendship­s. Set high personal standards and expect the same from your staff.

Successful people are resilient. They don’t let hard times turn into end times.

Say what you mean and mean what you say. “Go team go!” only works if you are sincerely committed to what you are doing.

A good decision must factor in the human element. When your head and heart say the same thing, you can bet it’s the right answer.

Integrity begins at the top. We must clearly define what is expected throughout the organizati­on, ensuring that integrity is first and foremost in our decision-making.

Leaders think in terms of goals. There isn’t a college football coach with a greater sense of pur- pose than Lou Holtz. He proved it at Notre Dame, Arkansas, the University of Minnesota and a host of other universiti­es. Did you know that Lou once coached the New York Jets? He left the job after only eight months. Why? Because, as Lou told me, he came to the job “without a clear sense of purpose. Absent a focus of my own, I couldn’t give one to the team. I was embarrasse­d by my inability to provide them with proper leadership. So I left.” Few leaders are as honest.

Great leaders know how to “spell out” goals and expectatio­ns. Harvey Mackay is the author of the New York Times best-seller “Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.” He can be reached through his website, www.harveymack­, or by e-mailing

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