The Arizona Republic

We are deeply concerned about rising hate speech


There have been a series of hate speech incidents over recent weeks in Tempe and Mesa, orchestrat­ed by NeoNazi groups and hate preachers. Some of the incidents included anti-Black, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT and antiMuslim speech and intimidati­on. This behavior and these sentiments do not reflect the values of our community.

We the undersigne­d have joined together to express our opposition to the presence and activities of hate groups in our community. We are deeply concerned about recent manifestat­ions of hate. As community leaders, we have united to underscore our common value of working together to create a community of respect.

Our shared fundamenta­l principles require us to speak out when we see hate around us. Ignoring the presence of hate speech, with its accompanyi­ng literature and social media does not make its vile message disappear. We will not sit idly by when hate raises its ugly head in our community. Not only are we united in denouncing hate, but we are united in supporting a community that is committed to the free exchange of ideas, the principles of inclusion and the celebratio­n of diversity. — ADL Arizona

ASU administra­tion Urban League — And 22 other co-signers

To those of you who keep electing Arpaio: Are you proud?

We want to hear from you. Comment on letters, columns and editorials online or via e-mail. » » same — and pro-business — everywhere. But TPP is not up-front about it. Obama wants to contain expansioni­st China, to keep it from dominating the seas around the Philippine­s South Vietnam and Malaysia, and from getting back some islands that it ceded to Japan after losing a war in 1895.

So he wants to bind Pacific Rim nations to the USA and make TPP business costs as low as Chinese business costs.

— Gilbert

Please indulge my ‘old fogy’ rant about public education

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