The Arizona Republic

Blum determined to change lawmakers’ image

Freshman GOP rep intent on changing lawmakers’ image

- Susan Davis

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Freshman Republican Rep. Rod Blum says he did not come to Congress to make friends, and he is doing everything he can to prove it. With a career in public office that spans just four months, Blum has made it his central focus to change the way Congress treats itself.

“It’s not a vote against John Boehner. It was a vote against the status quo.”

Rep. Rod Blum

Freshman Republican Rep. Rod Blum says he did not come to Congress to make friends, and he is doing everything he can to prove it.

With a career in public office that spans just four months, the wealthy former businessma­n has made it his central focus to change the way Congress treats itself by supporting efforts to strip away the trappings of elective office.

Blum, 60, started a caucus for lawmakers who support term limits. He co-sponsored legislatio­n to end lawmakers’ access to first-class travel and luxury car leases. He supports ending the congressio­nal pension system, and he’s introduced a bill to institute a lifetime ban on lawmakers ever becoming lobbyists.

His actions have delivered few allies and cost him early party support in his competitiv­e eastern Iowa district, but Blum says he is just getting started.

“It comes from 587 days of campaignin­g for this position and listening to people. It may have been the No. 1 topic. The anger out there against members of Congress is very high,” Blum told USA TODAY.

“I think people are really, really tired of what they perceive to be the ruling class, the political class,” he said. “Their pay goes up. They can fly first class. They can drive fancy cars. And taxpayers are paying for this.”

Blum sent a message when he cast the first vote of his career against Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to lead the party in the U.S. House. He was one of 25 lawmakers who voted against the speaker and one of just three freshmen.

“No, absolutely not,” Blum said, when asked if he had any lingering regrets about his opening act of party disloyalty. “It’s not a vote against John Boehner. It was a vote against the status quo.”


His provocatio­ns have garnered few cheerleade­rs inside the Beltway. Just three GOP colleagues have joined his term-limits caucus. He is notably absent from the House Republican campaign operation’s “Patriot Program,” a fundraisin­g arm for the party’s most vulnerable incumbents, despite representi­ng the second most Democratic-leaning district currently held by a Republican.

Even before he distanced himself from the Washington establishm­ent, Blum was a top target for Democrats. Not only does the district tilt in their favor, but the larger, more diverse presidenti­al year electorate will be more favorable for the party than the smaller, older, whiter and more conservati­ve midterm electorate that delivered Blum’s upset victory last year.

But his eastern Iowa district does not fit neatly in the Democratic column. More than onethird of the district’s voters are registered independen­ts. And his populist, anti-Washington message has cross-party appeal.

At least three Democrats are vying for the party’s nomination to take on Blum. Andy McGuire, chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, cast Blum as an out-oftouch millionair­e aligned with the Tea Party wing of the GOP and not middle-class workers.

His vote for a more conservati­ve version of the GOP budget and his vote against a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security have provided early fuel for next year’s campaign.

Blum is a conservati­ve, even if he avoids the term.


He supports repealing President Obama’s health care law and opposed his executive actions to delay deportatio­ns for millions of undocument­ed workers. He wants to lower current individual and corporate tax rates, and he voted for a more conservati­ve version of the GOP budget. While his views align with Tea Partystyle­d conservati­ves in the House, his rhetoric is more in line with a representa­tive from a swing seat.

“I’ve met a lot of really cool Democrats,” he said. He’s cosponsore­d legislatio­n with freshman Democratic Rep. Gwen Graham of Florida and started the term limits caucus with Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas.

Despite bipartisan allies, Blum concedes his initiative­s won’t pass. “It’s kind of like asking turkeys to vote for Thanksgivi­ng,” he said.

Shunned by congressio­nal party leaders, Blum nonetheles­s spends an inordinate amount of time for a freshman with the GOP presidenti­al field, who are eager to court his district’s voters ahead of the Iowa Caucuses.

He has not self term-limited but estimates that he will not be in Congress 10 years from now. He’s working on another piece of legislatio­n that would tie lawmakers’ salaries to wage growth for American workers. “People feel like the politician­s in D.C. are so disconnect­ed from reality and ... from their everyday lives. I would like to do my part to align the incentives with the people.”

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