The Arizona Republic

Navigating the open road during Jim Crow


You’re driving all day, taking back roads in the Deep South. It’s hot and dusty, the car has no airconditi­oning and you could use a break. The kids are in the backseat, bladders full, whining and fighting, and you have miles to go. You drive faster, but not too fast.

It is 1958. You’re an African-American family on the way to Grandma’s house, and Jim

Crow laws are in force, which means that many hotels, restaurant­s, taverns and restrooms are segregated. Keep going. No stopping. It was scenes like this that led to the publicatio­n of guidebooks for Black travelers such as “The Negro Motorist Green Book,” the “Go Guide” and the “Travelguid­e.” The books listed places that were not segregated, where anyone could get gas, a meal, a place to stay without embarrassm­ent or harassment.

For countless travelers, such guides were more than a convenienc­e. Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy wrote about his experience as an almost-8-year-old boy drinking “bladder-busting cold drinks while riding through the hot, dusty South in an unaircondi­tioned car.”

“There was a huge demand for those listings,” he wrote in 1987, “especially among black traveling salesmen and convention­eers. The reason: So many black travelers were just not making it to their destinatio­ns.”

The trouble was not confined to the Deep South. It was nationwide. Not every town was segregated, and not every business turned Black customers away. Knowing the difference was important, but it wasn’t always obvious.

“You had to guess,” said Gretchen Sullivan Sorin, a professor at Cooperstow­n Graduate Program in New York. Sorin, whose Ph.D dissertati­on, “Keep Going, African Americans on the Road in the Era of Jim Crow,” dealt with travel and segregatio­n, recalled the story of some Black travelers on their way from Brooklyn to Atlantic City.

“They didn’t know where to stop,” she said in an interview. “They would peer out the window and catch a glimpse of people’s faces and see how they reacted to them.”

The situation was not much different in Arizona. While not the Deep South, there was still plenty of segregatio­n, few Blacks and few places that welcomed them.

One exception was the Motel DuBeau in Flagstaff, along Route 66 and one of the first motels in the country, said John McCulloch, who operates a hostel on the property with his wife, Lisa.

The motel, which was listed in “Travelguid­e,” was originally operated by the DuBeau family, who came to Arizona from Quebec, McCulloch said. He did not find out about the “Travelguid­e” listing until after he took the place over in 2000.

“We were thrilled,” he said. Flagstaff had pockets of segregatio­n, but the Motel DuBeau was not one of them, and McColloch suspects it was because of the owner’s background.

“I’d like to believe that because they were French-Canadian they came to this without the prejudice of the American culture.

“This place was a safe haven. It’s something to be proud of,” McCulloch said.

The ‘sunset towns’

Milloy, the Post columnist, wrote that his mom packed meals when the family went on trips, so they did not have to stop. There were thousands of “sunset” towns across the country, so called because it was dangerous for Black travelers to be seen at night.

Milloy said in an interview that his family was fortunate enough that most of the trips they made took a day or less, and there were friends and relatives along the way, safe havens where stopping was allowed.

“They were just part of the trip,” he said. “You go to a home on a trip and then go on to the next one.

“It seemed pretty natural. I had no idea at first what was going on.”

Even when the civilright­s movement heightened awareness of segregatio­n, Milloy said he regarded it as something that did not really impact him. It was not until he grew older, talked to his father, looked back on how they moved from place to place, that he realized how it did. There were stops to see friends along the way and they always reached their destinatio­n, or were close to it, by nightfall.

“The most important thing that you did was, you gassed your car up before you left,” said Sorin, who is working on a book and documentar­y based on her dissertati­on. Some stations sold gas to Blacks but would not let them use the restroom. Others wouldn’t even sell the gas.

Some encounters were embarrassi­ng, but others were dangerous, Sorin said.

“There were people that encountere­d lynchings on the way,” Sorin said. Or Klan rallies. The country was divided into White spaces and Black spaces, and the trick was to get across the White spaces, she said.

No stopping.

Ariz. in ‘Green Book’

America was changing, in large part because of the automobile, but also because rising disposable income made travel possible for more Americans. The middle class grew more inclusive and there was a national campaign urging people to travel the country, called See America First.

Friends and family created a grapevine that was not always reliable. Nothing was. Perhaps not even the travel guides, though they did their best.

When Victor H. Green published the first “Green Book,” in 1936, it was dedicated to the Greater New York area. It was so successful that he began publishing national listings. African-American entreprene­urs launched more than a dozen Black travel guides between 1930 and the 1960s, but the “Green Book” stood out because it lasted for three decades.

Arizona’s entries in the 1939 edition of the “Green Book” were limited to a handful of businesses in Phoenix, but a decade later, the book had added entries for Douglas, Nogales, Tucson and Yuma. Most of the entries in these guides were small, mom-and-pop businesses, the buildings long demolished, through some are still standing.

The Copper Queen in Bisbee. The Motel DuBeau. The Swindall Tourist Inn, a Black boarding house in Phoenix, now on the National Register of Historic Places. Fred Harvey Properties, at the Grand Canyon and places such as La Posada along Route 66, were also not segregated and showed up in different listings.

Another property that made the listings, the Mission Lodge Motor Hotel in Prescott, once greeted travelers coming into Prescott. The Mission’s rooms were torn down during a recent rebuild, but Chris Browning, architect, general contractor and one of the owners for the project, said the idea is to retain the archi- tectural flavor of the building.

“We tried to save as much of the front facade of the building as we could,” Browning said.

Another non-segregated Arizona property, the Fray Marcos Hotel in Williams, was once part of the Fred Harvey chain. It has also been incorporat­ed into office space, attached to today’s railroad terminal, now home of Grand Canyon Railway.

“The national parks had a policy of non-discrimina­tion, so one of the popular spots for African-Americans were national parks,” Sorin said. Traveling to them meant leaving the Deep South, but the West had fewer safe havens because there weren’t as many towns.

“It don’t think the West was any different except there was fewer of everything,” Sorin said.

‘The way it was’

In Phoenix, there were unwritten rules that Blacks were expected to follow, lines you did not cross, said Judge Henry G. Watkins, who grew up in a Phoenix that he said was very segregated.

“Any place north of Van Buren, you simply didn’t go,” he said. “And if you found yourself in any other part of town you were stopped.”

In theaters, “Blacks had to sit upstairs. It was called the crow’s nest. That was just the way it was.”

But the road had an equalizing effect that other public spaces did not, Cotten Seiler writes in American Quarterly. Traffic laws applied to all and it was hard to discrimina­te against a car.

“Southern White drivers assumed Black divers would be deferentia­l to them,” Sorin said. But things happened quickly in traffic, and “when you’re going more than 45 miles an hour you can’t identify who’s driving.”

The country built bigger roads that bypassed sunset towns and helped travelers get to their destinatio­ns quickly.

“What the interstate highway system did was it eliminated the need to drive through those small towns where you didn’t know how you would be received,” Sorin said.

Changing times

The battle for civil rights was reflected in later editions of the “Green Book.” One issue noted that civil-rights groups were taking part in sit-ins, kneel-ins, freedom rides, demonstrat­ions and court battles, which “widened the areas of public accommodat­ions accessible to all.” A 1963-64 edition of the “Green Book” had a listing of states that had outlawed segregatio­n.

In time, Whites sympatheti­c to civil rights began to support businesses that did not discrimina­te and the movement picked up steam.

“Not everyone in the country was a racist,” Sorin said. “Not everybody in the country would abide by these guidelines.”

In time, the White spaces grew smaller, the distance between between safe havens grew shorter.

Discrimina­tion did not end with Brown vs. Board of Education or passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Act of 1965. The Swindall House in Phoenix continued to provide housing for Blacks well after anti-segregatio­n laws were on the books, according to materials on file with the National Register of Historic Places.

But two or three years after the Civil Rights Act passed, the “Green Book” faded from view.

Things changed. Not through laws, though the laws may have helped.

“They changed incrementa­lly, and in ways that you didn’t notice,” Watkins said.

Milloy said that as a young man, the farthest west his family ever traveled was Wichita, Kan. Now, some of his father’s friends live on golf courses in Phoenix.

“Times change,” he said, “and yet the memories are still there.”

A sampling of the books are available online through the New York Public Library, http://digi talcollect­ collection­s/the-greenbook.

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