The Arizona Republic

Teaching children has to start early


While I’m away, readers give the advice.

When my son was born (1982), I was a volunteer EMT and received a bit of sage advice from an ER doc. You will have two power struggles: the first at around the age of 2 and the parents must win that one, and the second around the age of 18 and the child needs to win that one.

The “it only gets worse” part only comes when the parents cede that first one.

If we insist on reasonable accountabi­lity from our kids, lead by example and provide a loving, caring environmen­t, it does indeed get much much easier. If, on the other hand, we fail our kids when they’re 2, they then become 150pound, screaming, tantrum-throwing adults. In this case it gets way harder.

Love and leadership. It’s not hard. Sadly, some parents just don’t get it.

— New Hampshire

I was in a relationsh­ip once with a man who initially seemed charming and wonderful, but who took exception for nearly everything I said about him. He would not listen when I explained I meant no harm, and the end result was that over time, I came to feel responsibl­e for his happiness, and I questioned my worth because I was constantly being painted as a bad, uncaring, lousy person, and constantly put in a situation where I spent a lot of energy trying to explain myself/clarify and communicat­e better.

Doing this took away energy from other things in my life (my friends, my job, etc.), isolated me, and made me preoccupie­d with fixing something that wasn’t really broken. My boyfriend, despite his concerns and complaints, was not interested in ever connecting about the perceived issues.

He used my growing unease about offending him and my censoring myself as a means to control me. He’d punish me for imagined slights and constantly paint me to be a bad person to our friends, thus isolating me and interferin­g with my ability to socialize and to have healthy self-esteem.

By making me feel paranoid about voicing anything he might perceive as criticism early on, he effectivel­y and calculated­ly stifled my voice. It meant that by the time he very abruptly and shockingly changed from charming and sweet boyfriend to abusive inhumane monster, I was already solidly prepped to stay silent! This is how abusers get away with what they do, by institutin­g this kind of mind control and manipulati­on to allow them to escalate later on. I would be very careful when dealing with anyone who forces their partner to tiptoe around speaking their mind.

— Anonymous

Head to the courthouse, get hitched, just you, prospectiv­e hubby and justice of the peace. Tell mom to plan any party she wishes and let you know when and where to show up. Plan another party on your own nickel for your friends.

Been there, done that. Everyone equally offended. Life goes on.

— K.G.

Write to Carolyn Hax care of the Washington Post, Style Plus, 1150 15th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 or email

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