The Arizona Republic

Gov. Brewer: I apologize, you were right

- EJ MONTINI ed.montini@arizonarep­ Tel: 602-444-8978

Ihate it when readers pay attention. Not all the time, of course. When I’m right, I love it. It’s those other times that bother me. Perhaps because there are so many of them, and so many clever and perceptive readers. Like this guy, who wrote: “Dear Discombobu­lated Eddie, I’ve been waiting patiently since Election Day for you to get off our sanctimoni­ous high horse and do what you should have done the moment Trump was declared the winner and that he had carried Arizona: Apologize — publicly — to Jan Brewer. Well?” Darn. Got me. Again. Prior to the election former Gov. Brewer was, as I put it, “one of the few female public figures willing to stand up for Donald Trump.”

In one of those instances she was contacted by a reporter from the Boston Globe who was writing an article about what many people believed (incorrectl­y, it turns out) were the new battlegrou­nd states, including Arizona.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign press secretary was quoted in the article as saying, “There are other states right now that are very close contests, but even if we manage to pull off a win [it] would not have that same symbolic significan­ce.” He added that in a place like Arizona, “I think that speaks to demographi­c changes in the country that are really upending the normal map.”

It seemed to make sense. In Arizona, a coalition of a dozen or so local organizati­ons calling itself One Arizona had spent months reaching out to minority communitie­s, particular­ly Latinos, and had registered roughly 150,000 new voters. Since this constituen­cy had expressed firm support for Clinton, The Globe writer wondered if it could tip the state to Clinton.

So he sought out Brewer, with her long experience in Arizona politics, and having won a state-wide election after signing the divisive Senate Bill 1070. The former governor responded with cheeky, dismissive confidence: “Nah... They don’t get out and vote.”

I took her to task for that. I was wrong. Again.

The registrati­on numbers generated a lot of optimism. (Or was it simply wishful thinking?) Prior to the election one longtime voter registrati­on activist said, “The person of the year is going to be the Hispanic voter. We guarantee record Latino turnout.”

Even if that were true, it didn’t change the outcome. Such people would like to claim that Latinos were responsibl­e at least for the ouster of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. No. That had more to do with longtime Arpaio supporters who’d grown weary of all the controvers­ies and the costs to taxpayers over the years. They still voted for Trump, but not for the sheriff.

Brewer was chastised by a lot of people after her remark. State Sen. Catherine Miranda, D-Phoenix, for example, said, “If this doesn’t get fire under our bellies to go out and vote, I don’t know what will. My message for all Latinos … is to get out to vote and prove her wrong.”

Or not.

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