The Arizona Republic

Trump’s cabinet won’t help the middle-class


We will soon have a 1-percent president who is intent on filling his cabinet with others of the 1 percent.

The stock market is salivating at the prospect of deregulati­on. It knows without any controls it can run amok.

Congress will continue to bail it out when it goes bust with money from the only people who pay their fair share of taxes: the middle-class.

Thank you very much Trump voters for putting our republic on the track to an oligarchy.

— Scottsdale

Trump understand­s businesses

consider a hearing for Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, saying President Obama was a lame duck (with nearly a year to go in his term of office).

Sen. Flake showed how contorted this thinking was when he said the Republican­s would affirm Garland’s nomination if Hillary Clinton was elected. That open seat helped to get Trump elected president, as many people said they would not vote for Trump were it not for the Supreme Court opening.

It should also be noted that a major reason for Trump winning the Electoral College (while losing the popular vote by over 2.3 million votes), was through Republican gerrymande­ring.The Republican­s insist they have a “mandate.” I contend they have a “gerrymanda­te.”

— Phoenix

Mexican wolves are once again

Mexican wolves are once again running the gauntlet to extinction at the hands of politician­s and our very political Arizona Game and Fish Department. They are truly making it impossible for this species to survive, and now, on top of the other ridiculous rules, they have added one that requires the federal government to get permission from the commission before any releases are made. This goes against the Endangered Species Act and if this goes through, Mexican wolves will have passed into extinction in the wild for the second time.

— Laveen

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