The Arizona Republic

One victory in a much larger fight

The vandalism of Middle Eastern eatery is warning of challengin­g times ahead


On the surface, it’s a simple story of good and evil. The Valley embraced the Middle Eastern Bakery and Deli, which has been vandalized twice since the election. The violence that propelled a rock at the front window was answered with an outpouring of support from people who spread the word on social media and brought customers, donations, volunteers and a new pane of glass, courtesy of M&M Glass Co.

“I come from the holy land of Jesus, where he teaches everyone about love. It’s present here today,” bakery owner Isam Saed said of the community response that had business buzzing.

Warm hearts and happy tears all around. A story for the season.

But it is also a challenge for the times to come.

Reports of harassment and hate crimes have spiked since the election, but this is part of a larger trend. FBI statistics for 2015 showed a rise in crimes against Muslim and Jewish Americans, as well as blacks, Latinos and LGBT individual­s.

It’s not only happening here. Europe is also feeling the pull of white nationalis­m.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who opened Germany to asylum seekers fleeing violence in the Middle East, faces challenges from a rightwing anti-immigrant party. Her recent talk of banning the burka in schools, courts and other public buildings looks like politicall­y convenient retreat.

Though Donald Trump disavows support from white-supremacis­t and anti-Semitic groups, there is no doubt his rhetoric and his tough talk on immigratio­n resonated with people for whom diversity is a dirty word.

The president-elect has done too little to counteract the impression that his vision of America is exclusiona­ry.

This is in direct contrast to Democratic President Barack Obama, whose message was all about inclusion.

It is also in contrast to Republican President George W. Bush, who understood the need to visit a mosque six days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Bush celebrated American Muslims as “friends” and “taxpaying citizens” and he quoted from the Koran, showing respect for a religion many Americans follow.

The president of a nation still in shock after attacks by extremists said:

“The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam . ... Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace. They represent evil and war.”

Fifteen years later, President Bush’s words ring just as true. The face of terror is not your Muslim neighbor.

People in our community showed how well they understand that. They also showed that it is the people — all across the world — who have to speak out against creeping xenophobia.

The message comes up from the heartlands.

The people who refused to let a merchant become a victim because of his heritage made a powerful statement. They said what needs to be said: We are, and always will be, stronger and better because of our diversity and our tolerance.

In coming weeks, months and years, it may become even more important for the people in communitie­s across the nation and the world to raise their voices on behalf of their neighbors, to reject violence and hate. To make it clear that they value inclusion, not exclusion.

To make it clear that we choose to be ruled by our better angels, not our worst impulses.

 ?? YIHYUN JEONG/THE REPUBLIC ?? Isam Saed, the owner of Middle Eastern Bakery and Deli in Phoenix, hugs Kym Ventola, who started a GoFundMe account for the eatery after news of vandalism spread.
YIHYUN JEONG/THE REPUBLIC Isam Saed, the owner of Middle Eastern Bakery and Deli in Phoenix, hugs Kym Ventola, who started a GoFundMe account for the eatery after news of vandalism spread.

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