The Arizona Republic

Trump isn’t a fascist, but the reference to Weimar is apt


Last week on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes,” a guest mentioned the new unmentiona­ble: Weimar. The guest was Bob Garfield, a liberal media critic, and he was discussing Donald Trump. Hayes was mildly disapprovi­ng of the reference. “I tend to stay away from Weimar comparison­s for a variety of reasons,” he said. That would make sense if only Trump himself did not constantly bring it to mind.

I must stop right here to emphasize what I will not be saying. I will not be calling Trump a fascist. I will not be saying he’s an anti-Semite because, manifestly, he is not. I will not be smearing him with the clear bigotry of some of his supporters, although I fault him for not slapping down the haters with more energy. Still, the reference to Weimar is apt, not because Trump is another Hitler but because America might be another Germany.

Weimar is the charming German city that gave its name to the parliament­ary democracy that was created following World War I and which Hitler crushed in 1933. It was never a robust democracy but it neverthele­ss was the government of Europe’s most important country. Berlin in the early 1930s was a tolerant and liberal city.

In a relative snap of the fingers, all that changed. Weimar’s intellectu­als, artists, actors, writers, architects (Bauhaus) and others fled. The precipitat­ing event was, of course, Hitler’s appointmen­t as German chancellor. That was Jan. 30, 1933. Almost exactly one month later, the German parliament building, the Reichstag, was consumed by fire. A Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, was accused of setting it. Hitler, declaring a vast communist threat, asked President Paul von Hindenburg for emergency powers. He got them. He kept them until he died.

Here is the relevance of Weimar. Donald Trump has shown a daunting disregard or ignorance of the Constituti­on and of law. Regarding the use of torture, he has said that the military must follow his orders — even if they are illegal. More recently, he declared that flag burning should be a crime and that flag burners be punished by “perhaps a loss of citizenshi­p or a year in jail.” The remark was one of his off-thecuff inanities — ever since 1989, flag burning has been protected political speech, and citizenshi­p, we’d like to think, is forever. The tweet spoke to Trump’s abysmal lack of knowledge but, more important, contained an emotional truth. Trump despises dissent and often reacts emotionall­y to setbacks or challenges.

Now, ask yourself what might happen if there was a huge terrorist incident on American soil. Might this man of little knowledge and no restraint attempt to suspend civil liberties? His instinctiv­e reaction to flag burning was all wrong. In addition, he holds the Nixonian view that the law is what he says it is. The courts have time and time again ruled otherwise.

Yet, I wonder if a compliant Congress and an even more compliant American people would balk at giving Trump any emergency power he seeks. His election was a stunner — an eruption of anger and resentment that is putting an epochally unqualifie­d man in the White House. So great was the urge to trash the status quo that Trump’s lying, bragging, cheating, insulting and breathtaki­ng ignorance did not disqualify him. Indeed, his very unsuitable­ness for the presidency immensely credential­ed him. He is loved by many because he is loathed by others.

Already Trump has brought the Republican Party to heel with even his most vociferous critics willing to discuss a Cabinet post. House Speaker Paul Ryan speaks of Trump as if he’s just had a chat with Ben Franklin, but this passivity is actually good. Trump needs to be surrounded by political adults. Sooner or later, someone’s going to have to throw a pitcher of cold water in his face. (Watch the hair!)

I have too much faith in America and its institutio­ns to think that Weimar is the future. It is, however, a warning, not something that shouldn’t be discussed, but something that should be mulled. The difference­s between Weimar Germany and contempora­ry America are significan­t but so, increasing­ly, are the similariti­es.

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