The Arizona Republic

GOP just wants a Lawmaker Protection Act

- Email Kwok at akwok@ Twitter: @abekwok.

Reforms require a problem with the status quo and a plausible plan to correct it. The plethora of proposals at the Arizona Legislatur­e aimed at overhaulin­g the ballot initiative process — that is, citizens’ ability to make or change law — misses on one or both marks.

Take the most recent legislatio­n that gained House passage on a party-line vote, House Concurrent Resolution 2029. It seeks to amend the state Constituti­on by requiring citizen initiative­s to have a fixed percentage of registered-voter signatures from each of the 30 legislativ­e districts to qualify for the ballot.

House Speaker J.D. Mesnard said the measure would ensure buy-in of an initiative from people across the state.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Don Shooter, R-Yuma, said he wants to limit wellheeled special interests’ influence on ballot measures, especially those espousing liberal causes. That dog don’t hunt. It presently takes more than 152,000 signatures to qualify a measure for the ballot, no small order. Between paying for petition gatherers and advertisin­g/ mailing campaigns, initiative­s can run into the millions of dollars. If anything, HCR 2029 would assure only well-heeled special interests could afford to stay in the game.

Nor has the Arizona electorate been overwhelme­d by a liberal agenda on the ballot. In the last four general elections, there have been five citizen initiative­s — two passed (minimum wage, medical marijuana), three failed (recreation­al marijuana, a permanent 1-cent tax to fund education, and open election/top 2 primary).

And since 2000, citizen initiative­s have accounted for less than half — 32 of 87 — of the ballot questions. The others were referred to voters by lawmakers (five from a legislativ­e commission recommendi­ng salary increases for legislator­s).

The 32 included liberal fare the likes of barring inhumane confinemen­t of farm animals, legalizing medical marijuana and banning cockfighti­ng. But also included were freedom against mandatory health-care participat­ion, stiffer voter-registrati­on requiremen­ts and sanctions against employers that hire illegal immigrants — hardly campaigns waged by the left.

For every union-backed minimumwag­e proposal, there were those pushed by businesses and conservati­ve groups. Remember the initiative to extend the payday-loan industry? Or the one-woman, one-man Marriage Protection Amendment?

Mesnard’s buy-in-from-everywhere argument is particular­ly disingenuo­us. Using his logic, anyone seeking statewide office should have to obtain a percentage of signatures from each legislativ­e district to get on the ballot. I’m suspecting there will be no rush to reconcile that inconsiste­ncy.

The most palatable point is HCR 2029, and other concurrent resolution­s, has to go before the voters.

A proposal that doesn’t, House Bill 2404, and which would ban paying petition gatherers by the signature, similarly rests on a faulty premise. Its sponsor, Rep. Vince Leach, R-Tucson, said the move would reduce fraud because circulator­s wouldn’t have an incentive to boost their signature totals possibly by making up names.

Except there’s already a mechanism to vet petition signatures and a designated enforcer: the secretary of state.

And the argument cited by Leach and Mesnard for HB 2404 — that last year’s minimum-wage Propositio­n 206 lacked sufficient valid signatures but got on the ballot on a technicali­ty — is a revisionis­t narrative.

The signatures that were invalid involved circulator­s who failed to register with the state, not of forgery or fraud that the bill’s sponsors are targeting. And the technicali­ty? The measure’s opponents flat-missed a deadline to mount a court challenge. A bit of sour grapes?

Two other House resolution­s — HCR 2002 and HCR 2007 — target the 1998 Voter Protection Act, which shields any voter-approved measure from being changed unless three-quarters of the Legislatur­e vote to do so and only if the change “furthers the purpose” of the measure. That is a steep standard that makes amending or overriding an approved initiative next to impossible.

It would be one thing to offer up a more reasonable compromise — say, a two-thirds vote by the Legislatur­e to amend an initiative, as my colleague Robert Robb and others have suggested. But HCR 2002 is a wholesale repeal of the Voter Protection Act, without promise of an alternativ­e.

Absent of a full repeal of the act, HCR 2007 would exempt from it referendum­s — the process citizens can use to stall a Legislatur­e-approved law and put it to a public vote instead. If the exemption wins approval, lawmakers would be able to come back and approve the same law that Arizonans voted to toss out.

It seems what legislator­s want is a Lawmaker Protection Act to pre-empt everyone else.

There are valid discussion­s to be had about better and fairer distributi­on of power, so let’s have them.

The current set of reforms amounts to an all-take-no-give propositio­n that won’t win voters’ hearts or minds.

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