The Arizona Republic

A pub-to-pub hiking guide for beer enthusiast­s in Flagstaff


Spring thaws the slopes and meadows outside Flagstaff, taking back what winter had claimed. Ice and mud yield to flowers and new growth as hiking trails fill with those ready to celebrate the reawakenin­g of the great outdoors.

The seasonal change also is anticipate­d by another group who prefer those spring delights that require little physical effort to experience. It’s the time of year when stouts and porters yield to lagers and wheats as brewpubs fill with those ready to celebrate the tap rotations of the great indoors.

Put on your most comfortabl­e walking shoes, slip on some sunglasses and be sure to pack enough currency or plastic for this pub-to-pub Flagstaff adventure. The trail is flat, paved and rated “Easy” to “Where the heck are we, Siri?” based on beer intake. (Vehicle use on this trek is frowned upon and they should only be piloted by those sipping non-alcoholic beverages.)

Let’s go to the trailhead.

Mother Road Brewing Co.

From the taproom’s bar, you can see the stainless-steel vats responsibl­e for concocting some of the city’s best beer.

The large, dog-friendly patio is perfect for relaxing. The laid-back nature of Mother Road lets you recharge for the short beer-based hike ahead.

Lost Highway, a black IPA, may be Mother Road’s signature brew. Hops shine in a beer as dark as night. You’ll find the spirit of spring in the Mother Road Kolsch-Style Ale, a lighter brew with hints of fruit.

The view: The vibe: The beers:

 ?? DSCHNARRS/GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Forget forests and views. If you love the great indoors, there’s nothing like hiking for beer.
DSCHNARRS/GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Forget forests and views. If you love the great indoors, there’s nothing like hiking for beer.

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