The Arizona Republic

Perry’s Miller shows heart on, off the field

1st baseman delivers stuffed bears to kids in hospitals


Gilbert Perry senior first baseman Emery Miller still sleeps in bed with the big stuffed toy dog he received while in the hospital for his third open-heart surgery.

He was 4 at the time, a gesture that left a lasting impression. He even gave it a name. Walter.

“I understand what that means,” he said. “It’s a gift that you give one time and they’re going to have it for the rest of their lives.”

Born with a hole in his heart and valve problems, Miller said he was told he wouldn’t live past 1.

He underwent four open-heart surgeries by the time he was 7.

He lived on a feeding tube the first six years of his life.

A doctor told him he wouldn’t play baseball past T-ball.

But Emery hasn’t stopped playing baseball since he was 3.

At the same time, he played around with hockey, discovered ESPN, and became a huge Jeremy Roenick fan, even wearing No. 97 on his youth baseball teams growing up.

After the surgery to replace the aortic valve when he was 4 it was the first time he could walk through a mall without feeling out of breath, his mother said.

“He could walk but he never had the energy,” said Lori Miller, Emery’s mom. “I never dreamed he would play ball. I think everybody wishes for a normal kid doing normal stuff.”

Now a husky 6-foot-1, 210 pounds, Miller is one of the state’s best defensive first basemen, and leads a team of his own.

It’s called Team Emery, which he started in the fifth grade, and it’s comprised of Perry baseball players, parents, friends, various elementary and high schools, distributi­ng brand new Teddy bears to sick children in hospitals.

He reserves Phoenix Children’s Hospital for he and his Perry teammates to hand out bears. That is where he had three of his four open-heart surgeries.

“Because it’s grown so much, we do a three-day delivery here,” Lori said. “The whole thing is quite the experience. We have about 12 cars full of stuffed animals. We caravan. They take us around.”

When the players leave the hospital, it becomes life-changing, seeing smiles on the faces of children fighting to survive.

“To see the guys in those moments, wherever they go, they will have that experience of giving back,” Lori said. “They also have the experience of not being afraid. Seeing a kid who is sick, that’s scary. They all had the experience.

“This year, there was a kid who is 5 battling cancer. The dad sent a picture to me, saying, ‘I can’t tell you how much this bear meant to our family.’ This simple gesture. We give them to siblings. We give whatever we can. We have so many.”

Miller said he was challenged in the fifth grade from his parents to give back.

It started with the idea of giving out one Teddy bear to one sick child at a hospital, a Facebook post seven years ago by his mom, asking people what they thought of Emery’s idea.

“Within a half hour of making that post, there were over 45 comments, saying, ‘I’ll give you two bears. I’ll give you three bears. I’ll have my Girl Scouts collect for you,’ ” Emery said. “That’s how it started.”

That started the Team Emery army gathering around him to make it happen. It went from one kid to an entire hospital, to multiple hospitals and states. Miller says he has collected more than 25,000 Teddy bears in seven years, expanding into nine states and 31 hospitals in all. It’s a drive that has taken Emery to the White House for his charitable contributi­ons.

“There is a ton of work that goes into it,” he said. “But the work is nothing close to the joy that comes with walking into a hospital and handing these bears out myself.”

Every Christmas, Miller leads the Perry varsity baseball team into Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

“We live in Gilbert, Arizona, and we have life pretty good,” he said. “But life isn’t always that great for everyone else. To get that humility, it does just as much for these boys as it does for the kids in the hospital.”

Miller doesn’t recall too much about his open-heart surgeries, just that he’s glad he hasn’t needed another open-heart procedure since he was 7.

He takes one pill a day, he says, to keep his heart in rhythm, and hits the baseball field, wearing a hard protective pad over his chest under his shirt. It can be an adventure if a ball bounces in the dirt and off that hard shell. Pitchers have to be ready for crazy caroms. But those are seldom.

Senior shortstop Trevor Hauver, an Arizona State signee, who has played on youth club baseball teams with Emery since they were 8, knows Miller will scoop up anything that comes his way.

“I think he is one of the best defensive first basemen in the state,” Hauver said. “Everything we throw over there, he catches. It’s amazing to see him. It was his first position.”

Miller gave up hockey as a kid, because he was told by doctors to refrain from contact sports.

In baseball, he’s not able to keep up with teammates after games running long distances. He becomes gassed.

But he is a valuable part of a team pushing to go far in the 6A state tournament that begins next week.

“He’s one of two of the best defensive first basemen we’ve had here,” coach Damien Tippett said. “I’d say it’s a tossup between him and Tyler Watson, who is with the (Washington) Nationals (organizati­on) now. The guy is a human vacuum over there. And he can put a mean swing on a ball. He’s a good line-drive hitter.

“You watch him play, you would never know his medical history.”

It is how Miller motivates through his actions that inspires.

“His heart’s in a good spot, for sure,” Tippett said.

Lori said when Emery was 5 and she would speak at heart associatio­ns, Emery would grab the microphone and tell his story.

“I finally figured, they don’t want to hear from me,” she said. “They want to hear from the person who went through it.”

Miller has become a keynote speaker for hospitals. Donations never stop coming. He tells people if they want to go to a dollar store and buy 20 bears, he’ll take them, as long as they’re new, because of the sick children who can’t receive used things for fear of germs spreading.

“If you want to go to Costco and buy that ten-foot bear for $80, do it,” he said. “We’ll take it all. We don’t care, as long as they’re new.”

Fund-raising usually begins in October. Most of the bears come by Thanksgivi­ng. Last year, 8,000 bears arrived between October and Christmas. Miller jokes that the Fed-Ex truck makes a daily stops at their Gilbert home.

Many of the donations come from friends and family. Last year, there were 11 Valley high schools that collected bears for Team Emery. As it has grown, connection­s have gotten bigger. There are sponsors in other states.

“When you give somebody a Teddy bear, the outside perceives that as a Teddy bear,” Miller said. “To me, in the hospital, when you receive balloons, candy, a Teddy bear. You’re not receiving that. You’re receiving hope. You’re receiving bravery. Everything that you’re looking for when you’re trapped inside that little room.

“When I was in the hospital, I was given a lot of things like that. I know how much it meant to the patients. I wanted to give back to them.”

Miller makes delivery schedules for three different times zones. It almost became nine hours last year when Poland was considerin­g joining Team Emery, Miller said.

Once he graduates in May, Miller will go off to college at Div. III George Fox University in Newberg, Ore., but Team Emery won’t end, he says. He’ll continue to give to kids. And he puts no limits on how big it can get.

“People don’t realize how big an impact they can have,” he said. “In the fifth grade, it was a silly idea, to give one Teddy bear back. But it really has changed over 25,000 lives over the course of seven years. It’s absolutely incredible. If anybody has a dream, just pursue it, because you never know what can happen.”

Suggest human interest stories to Richard Obert at richard.obert@ arizonarep­ or 602-316-8827. Follow him at azc_obert

 ?? HANNAH GABER/AZCENTRAL SPORTS ?? Emery Miller, who plays first base for Gilbert Perry High, underwent four open-heart surgeries by the time he was 7. His experience led him to collect and deliver Teddy bears to sick children.
HANNAH GABER/AZCENTRAL SPORTS Emery Miller, who plays first base for Gilbert Perry High, underwent four open-heart surgeries by the time he was 7. His experience led him to collect and deliver Teddy bears to sick children.
 ?? LORI MILLER ?? Emery Miller delivers Teddy bears to children in Arizona.
LORI MILLER Emery Miller delivers Teddy bears to children in Arizona.

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