The Arizona Republic

Analysis: Trump’s ‘credibilit­y gap’ keeps widening

- ‘Perfect accuracy’ of words and facts seem to matter less and less in this evolving political story Susan Page @susanpage USA TODAY

On issues big and small, substantiv­e and cosmetic, President Donald Trump’s White House has failed to give accurate accounts of what happened until photograph­s, records, reporting and, in some cases, the president’s own words provide a new version of the facts. The result of that lack of “perfect accuracy” — Trump’s phrase from a tweet last week about his surrogates — is that the president’s “credibilit­y gap” is now the biggest faced by any president since at least Richard Nixon during Watergate, or perhaps Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam War.

President Trump drew the biggest inaugural crowd in history — except he didn’t. President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the campaign — except there’s no evidence he did. Trump fired FBI director James Comey because the deputy attorney general concluded Comey had mishandled the Hillary Clinton email investigat­ion — except now the president says it was his decision alone and cites the Russia investigat­ion as one of the reasons.

On issues big and small, substantiv­e and cosmetic, the Trump White House has failed to give accurate accounts of what happened until photograph­s, records, reporting and, in some cases, the president’s own words provide a new version of the facts. Even when confronted with evidence, the president and his spokespeop­le don’t always acknowledg­e the need to correct a falsehood.

That doesn’t seem to bother Trump.

“It is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” he tweeted Friday with apparent good cheer, then mused about canceling the daily press briefing. Later, press secretary Sean Spicer didn’t make it clear whether the president was serious or joking about upending a fixture of White House operations since the Harding administra­tion, and he wouldn’t expand on a separate tweet from Trump suggesting that he might have recorded his conversati­on with Comey.

Concerned or not, Trump now faces the biggest credibilit­y gap of any president since at least Richard Nixon during Watergate (a scandal that forced his resignatio­n) or Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam War (a spiraling controvers­y that prompted him not to seek a second full term). For LBJ, it was the disparity between the official version of the war’s course and the reporting from

the front lines that added the phrase “credibilit­y gap” to the political lexicon.

“I wrote a book about what goes into making great presidenti­al leadership, and one of the elements I said was credibilit­y, was trust,” said presidenti­al historian Robert Dallek, author of Hail to the Chief: The Making and Unmaking of American Presidents as well as biographie­s of Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Nixon and Johnson. “When presidents lose the trust of the public, I think it’s very difficult if not impossible for them to govern.”

The controvers­ies have taken a toll on Americans’ views of Trump. In a Quinnipiac Poll this month, those surveyed said 61%33% that Trump wasn’t honest. That is a 28-percentage-point underwater rating on honesty, double the 14-point divide he scored in the same survey at the beginning of the year.

The poll was taken before the latest and most spectacula­r example: Comey’s firing. Tuesday night at the White House, Spicer said the decision had been made by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who had criticized Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email inquiry; Trump had accepted Rosenstein’s recommenda­tion. Vice President Pence repeated that explanatio­n to reporters Wednesday.

But on Thursday, Trump told NBC’s Lester Holt he had decided to fire Comey regardless of what Rosenstein recommende­d, and he cited a different reason. “When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.”

Trump’s decision to dismiss the FBI director has rattled official Washington, stoked what Democrats already call the “resistance” and fueled reporting that the president is about to shake up his senior White House staff — though the fiercest controvers­ies have centered on the president’s statements, not those of his aides. Questions about whether Trump will stand by his word imperil the administra­tion’s efforts to negotiate a health care compromise and a major tax package with members of Congress. And it casts a cloud over his first internatio­nal trip, which begins this week.

The storm comes on the heels of lower-voltage complaints about ways in which the Trump White House has reduced disclosure and transparen­cy. It has ended the Obama practice of releasing logs of White House visitors. The White House barred the U.S. press pool from taking photos at the beginning of Trump’s meeting with Russian leaders last week. The press shop even refuses to disclose whether Trump is playing golf on his weekend visits to his golf clubs.

“President Trump has sacrificed his credibilit­y (with) his outrageous disregard for the truth and his penchant for outrage,” said Ron Klain, a senior White House aide in the Clinton and Obama administra­tions. “It will be sorely missed when a crisis comes.”

Credibilit­y is a precious political resource, said Frank Donatelli, a Republican consultant and political director in the Reagan White House.

“Presidenti­al credibilit­y can enhance public approval, as in ‘he acts on what he believes,’ ” Donatelli said, noting that personal popularity helped Reagan and other presidents succeed even when support for policies was lower. That’s one reason a president’s approval rating is so closely watched: “A president’s influence over events is directly related to his standing with the voting public. Members of Congress will be more deferentia­l to a president with strong public support.”

Trump’s rating seems relatively stable, ticking down just a bit in two surveys since the FBI furor. His approval rating was 39% in the Gallup and NBC/Wall Street Journal polls posted Sunday. That is a historic low for a modern president at this early point in his presidency, but it’s just about where he has stood through the first 100 days of his tenure.

Trump allies also take comfort in the approval ratings for those pressing the questions. Just 34% approve of the job congressio­nal Democrats are doing, the Quinnipiac Poll shows. And respondent­s disapprove of the way the news media cover Trump 58%-37%.

Credibilit­y has damaged Trump’s team, too. There’s Spicer, regularly dispatched to defend Trump’s most provocativ­e assertions, who was the target of a brutal parody this weekend on NBC’s Saturday Night Live.

“Trump is innocent,” the Spicer figure, portrayed by Melissa McCarthy, says at a White House briefing. “How do we know? Because he told us so. Period.” When she uses a motorized podium to track down Alec Baldwin, playing Trump, at his New Jersey golf course, she demands, “Have you ever told me to say things that aren’t true?”

Baldwin’s reply: “Only since you started working here.”

 ?? POOL ?? At times, President Trump’s words have contradict­ed the accounts of his own White House.
POOL At times, President Trump’s words have contradict­ed the accounts of his own White House.

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