The Arizona Republic

Democrats, media are destroying the United States


Is anyone sick of the Democrats yet? Demonstrat­ions every day by people that don’t seem to have jobs; they burn and destroy things with impunity; and boys are allowed into the girls dressing rooms and showers.

Free speech is dead on college campuses and the Millennial­s believe in socialism over capitalism. Now there is talk of impeachmen­t and gender neutrality, and we keep hearing about Russian influence in the election.

Where is the proof and when are the Democrats going to do something good for the country? All I’m seeing from the Democrats is let’s bring down the president and in the process maybe we can destroy this wonderful country in the process.

The only reason I see that this country is in trouble is because of the press and Democrats. God helps us.

— Michael Livingston, Mesa

Regrets? I’ve had a few. But voting Trump ain’t one of them

I would like to answer the letter writer who asked if I had any regrets about voting for President Trump. None at all. I support him even more now than when I first voted for him. — Al Trozzi, Tucson

When do Republican­s finally start to wake up about Trump?

Yes, fire James Comey! He was “too harsh” on Hillary Clinton (ha, ha!). How much nonsense will the Republican­s in Congress tolerate before they change their fawning acceptance of everything Donald Trump does?

Financial conflicts of interest, emollients from foreign government­s, hidden tax returns, complete consent (with no “advise” counterbal­ance) to Trump appointmen­ts, multiple lies and never ending “fake” news.

Can Republican­s find some spine to seriously question anything the president does? Will this change now? Don’t hold your breath.

Commitment to party, even now, trumps service to country again and again. Our democracy is being seriously threatened. Come on, Republican Congress! Start doing your real job for our country. You can start by assigning a special prosecutor that we clearly need to investigat­e Russian activities related to President Trump.

— George Krebs, Tempe

Isn’t it time to give Donald Trump the glory he so richly deserves?

While reading Robert Robb’s column on the GOP health plan, I noticed the change in name to “Ryancare.”

Why the sudden name change? Could it be the knowledge that it is a failure and we don’t want to see Trump’s name associated with it?

C’mon! Let’s let the president bask in his glory.

— Michael Sullivan, Maricopa

Maybe Trump fired Comey because Comey deserved it

The hysterical, hypocritic­al hand wringing of the media and the left is quite amusing and predictabl­e. Like the audience in the Stephen Colbert show who unwittingl­y cheered the firing of the FBI director, the left has to be reminded that whatever President Trump does it must be bad for the country even if they once supported the very thing he was going to do.

“So what was the President trying to gain” you opine.

I thought that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (approved by 94 Senators) explained it quite well. James Comey was not doing a good job. Apparently not good enough for all the Russian-conspiracy (makes for good copy) pundits who live by ratings and care little about the truth.

The “investigat­ion” has been going on since July 2016 (according to Comey’s own words) and yet no evidence of collusion according to Mr. Clapper, Ms. Feinstein and Comey himself has been found.

Maybe the left needs to change the definition of collusion or find that Trump intended to collude but changed his mind.

Instead of going down a rabbit hole, maybe Comey should have been investigat­ing real crimes such as leaks. Maybe his inexplicab­le, contradict­ory refusal to recommend convening a grand jury regarding Hilary Clinton’s email scandal after making the case for it had something to do with it.

In the end, Director Comey was fired because he inserted himself into the political process of electing a president in ways that both parties found improper.

Just ask Sen. Schumer who said that he had lost confidence in Director Comey. — Igor Shpudejko, Goodyear

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