The Arizona Republic

Why does so much food go to waste?

Lack of understand­ing food safety part of reason


Americans don’t set out to waste food.

People don’t buy an apple because they plan to throw it away. Instagram isn’t filled with posts bragging about tossed leftovers. There isn’t a pro-food-waste lobby in Washington.

So why do we waste more than a third of our food a year?

A handful of scholars wanted to find the answer. They conducted studies and found, in essence, that Americans waste food because we don’t know another way, and because we can.

The first study to look at U.S. consumers’ attitudes about food waste came out of the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future in June 2015. One revelation was that having a leaky faucet or leaving lights on bothered people more than throwing away food did. But the gas created by food decay in landfills is a major environmen­tal threat.

The second study, out of Ohio State University in 2016, found that a majority of Americans think food waste is a problem but find it difficult to reduce their own waste. Indeed, a quarter of respondent­s said they’re too busy to change.

It’s not all bad, though. There’s hope for us yet.

Americans are “concerned about wasted food, and are interested in taking further action,” the Johns Hopkins

study said.

Our good intentions go bad

Americans are conditione­d to seek out the freshest, most nutritious food.

Grocery stores stock only the most beautiful fruits and vegetables on displays that give the feeling of abundance. And why not? The produce department has some of the biggest profit margins in a grocery store.

Armed with the intent to feed ourselves and our families only the best, we fill our carts with “good fat” avocados, antioxidan­t-rich berries and all the fixings for that salad we’re definitely going to bring to work this week. And then life happens. The avocados turn to mush. Those berries grow fuzz before we know it. That salad becomes another thing we didn’t get to this week. In the trash they go.

Sixty percent of people in the Johns Hopkins study said they threw away food out of a desire to eat the freshest foods. A similar number said the same in the Ohio State survey.

Rosalynn Torres has the best intentions when she goes food shopping. She keeps a list of what she’s out of and doesn’t buy more than she needs. Her fridge and pantry aren’t stuffed full just for appearance’s sake.

Even so, the 37-year-old Chandler resident ends up throwing out food. Sometimes it’s the banana her husband forgot in his lunchbox. Or the dinner leftovers lost in the back of the fridge. More likely it’s the milk that’s older than the date printed on its package and her 10- and 17year-old sons won’t drink.

“Those are the things … we’re human,” Torres said. “We can try our best to have the perfect diet and have an eating schedule but you cannot follow it all the time. Every day is not the same day.”

Across the globe, fruits and vegetables have the highest wastage rates of all food products, according to the Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on of the United Nations.

Those fruits and vegetables are some of the most nutrient-dense food available. In a new study that’s under review for publicatio­n, researcher­s at Johns Hopkins discovered that annual food waste represents 1,217 calories per person per day in America. That waste was high in protein, fiber, vitamin D and other things necessary for a healthy diet.

We are not self-aware

Americans think they waste less than their neighbors.

More than 70 percent of people in the Johns Hopkins study and more than 85 percent in the Ohio State study said they toss fewer foods than others do.

That’s a “natural tendency,” said Brian Roe, director of the Ohio State Food Waste Collaborat­ive and co-author of the university’s study.

Food-waste reduction advocates say people should sort their trash to find out how much they waste. They say putting food scraps into a separate container from other trash for a few weeks will give you an accurate understand­ing of your behavior. You can download a toolkit to measure and record your waste on the Environmen­tal Protection Agency’s website.

But sorting and measuring trash is a lot to ask of busy people, said Katy Franklin of ReFED, a non-profit aimed at reducing waste through a data-driven approach.

A much easier way to see what you waste is to keep your grocery receipt, she said. When you clean out your fridge or throw food away, highlight whatever got wasted on that receipt. It’ll give you a snapshot – and real data – on what you toss most often and how much it’s really costing you.

Once you’re aware of your habits, you can start to see the patterns.

“Maybe you bought two eggplants because they were two-for-one but now you see that every time you buy two-for-one, you throw one away. You only need one,” Franklin said.

We can afford to throw food away

Americans spend less on groceries than anyone else in the world.

We spend 6.4 percent of our budgets on food, according to USDA calculatio­ns based on Euromonito­r Internatio­nal data from August 2016.

That number jumps to 10.3 percent in Germany, 13.2 percent in France and 14.1 percent in China. The poorest countries spend around half of their money on food: 41.9 percent in the Philippine­s; 43 percent in Kazakhstan and 56.4 percent in Nigeria.

Less than half of respondent­s in the Ohio State study said throwing away food was a major source of wasted money. Yet the Johns Hopkins study found the strongest motivator to get someone to reduce their waste is the prospect of saving money.

The average American loses $371 a year to wasted food, according to the USDA. But that’s not a large enough figure to influence most people, according to the Johns Hopkins study. That amount “might not be sufficient to motivate most non-low-income consumers,” it said.

We don’t understand food safety

Americans would rather be safe than sorry.

Sixty-five percent of people in the Ohio State study said they discarded food because they worry about food poisoning. Of those respondent­s, 91 percent said they pay attention to date labels on food.

People think older food and food that’s past its date will make them sick.

But more often than not those dates refer to quality, not safety. And most food-borne illness is caused by contaminat­ion along the supply line or improper food handling, not from expired food.

Infant formula is the only food product with federal regulation for label dates. Everything else is left up to a patchwork of state and local laws. Take milk, for example. In most states, the date printed on milk cartons is 21 to 28 days after pasteuriza­tion. In Montana, that date is 12 days after pasteuriza­tion. When that date passes, retailers are not allowed to sell or donate the milk.

The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic examined Montana’s law in a documentar­y called “Expired? Food Waste in America.” They pointed out that since milk is pasteurize­d, which removes potential contaminan­ts, it’s unlikely to make you sick if it’s spoiled.

This year, two of the biggest trade groups in the grocery industry encouraged manufactur­ers to voluntaril­y adopt two standard phrases. The Food Marketing Institute and Grocery Manufactur­ers Associatio­n urge producers to label food with “Use By” if it’s a highly perishable item for which there is a food-safety concern. Otherwise, food should be marked with a “Best If Used By” date to describe product quality, not safety.

Essentiall­y, the complicati­ons around date labeling come back to affordabil­ity. Most Americans can afford the “extra layer of safety” of basing their actions on a date label while those with tighter budgets “look at a label twice, sniff three times and then make a decision,” said Roe, co-author of the Ohio State University study.

We can change

Americans might say reducing food waste is simple: Just stop throwing away wholesome food. But it’s not that easy.

It’s a fundamenta­l shift in our thinking and actions, activists say.

That could mean buying less, or storing food more carefully so it lasts longer.

It could mean learning how to cook with leftovers, or not minding them in the first place.

Composting, donations and rallying to change laws are all on the table.

America has a national goal of cutting food waste by 50 percent by 2030.

ReFed thinks consumer education campaigns and innovation have huge potential to make a difference. In April, it launched an Innovator Database that tracks more than 400 organizati­ons that fight food waste (and which created more than 2,000 new jobs).

However we get there, Americans are setting out to waste less.

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