The Arizona Republic

House rolls back bank rules

Measure aims to rescind safeguards added after economic crisis of 2008


WASHINGTON - The Republican-led House approved sweeping legislatio­n Thursday to undo much of former President Barack Obama’s landmark banking law created after the 2008 economic crisis that caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs and homes.

The largely party-line vote was 233186, as Republican­s argued the rules designed to prevent another meltdown were making it harder for community banks to lend and hampered the economy. No Democratic lawmakers supported the measure; only one Republican opposed it.

“Our community banks are in trouble,” said Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. “They are being crushed by the costly rules imposed on them by the DoddFrank Act. This law may have had good intentions but its consequenc­es have been dire for Main Street.”

House passage was widely expected, but the Republican overhaul of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law is unlikely to clear the Senate in its current form. Senators have said they’ll spend the next few months trying to find common ground on legislatio­n designed to boost the economy. Potential areas for compromise include changes to how much capital banks must maintain and decreasing the paperwork burden for small lenders.

President Donald Trump had said he wants to do “a big number” on DoddFrank, and the House vote marks progress toward that goal.

The overhaul bill targets the heart of the law’s restrictio­ns on banks by offering a trade-off: Banks could qualify for most of the regulatory relief in the bill so long as they meet a strict requiremen­t for building capital to cover unexpected big losses.

Democrats defended the Dodd-Frank law, saying it has meant financial security for millions of people and that undoing it would encourage the kind of risky lending practices that invite future economic shocks.

They also oppose efforts to sharply curtail a consumer protection agency’s power to pursue companies that it deter-

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