The Arizona Republic

The titanic clash of Trump vs. Comey


WASHINGTON — It was not an 18-minute gap, but it will be remembered as the most awkward conversati­on pause of recent presidenti­al history. The setting, according to former FBI Director James Comey’s detailed testimony, was a private dinner in the Green Room of the Executive Mansion. President Trump, who had been hinting at (in Comey’s account) a “patronage relationsh­ip,” ceased merely to hint. “I need loyalty,” Trump insisted. “I expect loyalty.”

At that point, Comey recalled, “we simply looked at each other in silence.”

Later in the dinner, Trump came back around to the expectatio­n of loyalty. “You will always get honesty from me,” Comey replied. The president and the FBI director finally settled on the concept of “honest loyalty,” to defuse a difficult argument.

During the Comey hearing Thursday, it was naturally the legal issues that predominat­ed, including: How does being instructed (or feeling “direction,” to use Comey’s word) by the president to stop an ongoing criminal investigat­ion differ from obstructio­n of justice? While not alleging obstructio­n himself, Comey seemed to be setting up the factual basis for an obstructio­n case, like a tennisserv­e toss for his friend, former colleague and special counsel Robert Mueller, to smash home.

But the deeper point here is not different legal interpreta­tions or different memories, but different moralities. The Trump/Comey contest is also a titanic clash of worldviews. In the Green Room, Trump was expressing a morality rooted in relationsh­ips. He, like Vito Corleone, defines character as adhering to a code of personal loyalty.

Comey responded with a morality of norms. He defines character as obedience to a code of rules. And in that code, honesty seems to hold pride of place. In his testimony, by directly accusing Trump of lying, Comey was relegating the president to the lowest circle of moral failure.

The conflict between these two views of ethics is not easily resolved. The concept of “honest loyalty” ultimately fails. Trump defines integrity as faithfulne­ss. Comey defines integrity as truthfulne­ss. Neither is entirely faithful or true to his own standard. But the failures are not equal.

Trump lives for loyalty but seems incapable of showing it. He demands sycophancy, and yet he regularly exposes his closest aides to public ridicule and humiliatio­n. Why, by Trump’s own standard, should members of his administra­tion be loyal? Not for personal reasons, given his rule by ridicule. Not for ideology, because Trump does not really possess one. The only plausible reason for loyalty to Trump is the opportunit­y to exercise power.

But his rented recruits end up discredite­d by the daily work of defending the indefensib­le. And Trump himself ends up isolated by his own suspicions and distrust.

Comey, in contrast, explores the line between righteousn­ess and self-righteousn­ess. The defense of truth seems to justify a variety of measures — including strategica­lly leaking informatio­n in hopes of ensuring the appointmen­t of a special counsel — that earn the descriptio­n of extreme political hardball. Comey seems to regard the FBI as the priesthood of norms — an institutio­n to defend at nearly any cost. The president’s alleged request to end the Flynn investigat­ion, for example, was not reported upward, but rather kept in a back pocket for future use. This is a fairly cold calculatio­n, even if in a good cause.

There is, however, a world of difference between the two men. Comey’s considerab­le errors of judgment seem motivated by moral exactitude. Trump’s alleged transgress­ions would be the definition of public corruption.

In the end, Trump’s endless legal and ethical troubles are the revenge of the campaign issue of temperamen­t. Those who argued that ideology matters more than character have some explaining to do. Trump’s moral and political instincts are the result of choices made little by little, year by year, and will not be changed.

There is no president other than the disturbing, needy man in the Green Room.

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