The Arizona Republic

Will McCain and Flake support this travesty?


All Arizona eyes turn now to Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake. Will they or won’t they go along with the Senate’s plan to make America’s health-care system great again? Will they or won’t they stick it to the poor, the disabled and the elderly, the most vulnerable among us who would be hit hard by cuts to Medicaid?

Will they or won’t they stick it to everybody over 60, who could be paying up to five times as much for their insurance as everyone else?

Will they or won’t they stick it to hospitals by leaving them (read: ultimately, us) to pick up the tab for legions of newly uninsured Arizonans?

Will they or won’t they cut taxes for affluent Americans and for drug and insurance companies? Or, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put it, “eliminate costly ‘Obamacare’ taxes that are passed on to consumers, so we can put downward pressure on premiums.” Downward pressure on premiums? Good one, Mitch. Overall, the Senate bill may be more moderate in some areas than the House dog that proposed kicking 23 million people to the health-care curb.

The Senate bill includes subsidies to help lower-income Americans pay for private insurance, though fewer middleclas­s Americans would qualify.

But deep cuts to Medicaid would leave millions, and the nation’s hospitals, in a world of hurt. Literally.

McConnell said the plan would “shift

power from Washington to the states, so they have more flexibilit­y to provide more Americans with the kind of affordable insurance options they actually want.”

Who is this guy kidding? Where does he think a state like Arizona would find the $7.1 billion that AHCCCS estimates would be needed to fund all these “affordable options” when Medicaid expansion goes away?

Or when federal “per capita caps” that don’t cover the cost of inflation eventually devastate the disabled and the elderly?

Just under 400,000 Arizonans got coverage as a result of Medicaid expansion, including 317,000 childless adults who live below the federal poverty line. Another 82,000 earn between 100 percent and 138 percent of the poverty level. For a family of four, that’s $33,600.

How many of them will be able to afford insurance, even with a subsidy?

And, by the way, 47,000 of those 400,000 have drug addictions and can now get treatment through Medicaid, here in a state where the governor recently declared opioid addiction a health emergency. How many of them will be able to afford treatment when they lose their insurance?

McCain and Flake were shut out of the talks that led to the Senate’s proposal. Both have been critical of the process. This plan is not on them ... yet. Both now have a decision to make. “We need to come out with what we stand for, what we believe in and how we’re going to implement it,” McCain told Fox News on Wednesday.

Well, Senators, is this — tax cuts for the affluent, financed by deep cuts to the poor — what you stand for?

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