The Arizona Republic

Trump, once again, won’t do what is right or normal It is simply unbelievab­le that we could wreck 2 of our Navy ships


I find it far beyond disgust that is took two days of cajoling, browbeatin­g and other public criticisms and outcries to get Trump to condemn the KKK white supremacis­ts and other hate groups.

A normal president and leader would have done that immediatel­y. This issue was just another example in a long line of issues in which Trump simply cannot or will not do what is right and normal. Not even when it is for the good of our country.

Neither can his diehard followers. They simply are not normal when it comes to the love of country, and the use of common sense. He and his legion of Trumpeter Trolls are slowly but surely making hate and racism the preferred norm in our society.

— William Cochran, Phoenix

Don’t need a war plan, but a Marshall Plan in Afghanista­n

Trump’s speech on Monday night was meaningles­s. There’s nothing new in the strategy. Just kill people and break things. Why is it so hard to understand that we need a new Marshall Plan for Afghanista­n. Trump’s plan doesn’t offer the people of Afghanista­n anything but the same old thing.

— Steve Schallenbe­rger, Phoenix

Why I’ll be voting against Jeff Flake in the next election

Jeff Flake must think we are stupid. I will vote against Sen. Flake in the 2018 U.S. Senate primary. I made this choice not because President Trump supports his opponent, Kelli Ward, but precisely the opposite, because Flake supports President Trump.

In his recent book, Flake slams “alternativ­e facts” and the “state of confusion” that Trump ignited throughout America. However, Flake’s well-timed criticisms of Trump are an attempt to add to this confusion, because although he claims otherwise, Flake actually supports Trump.

Flake supported Trump’s positions on all but three of his Senate votes. The only things on which they differed were funding the government through FY 2017 (which Flake opposed and Trump supported), and two separate votes to sanction Russia — Flake supported them, while Trump … well, we will see what Robert Mueller has to say about that.

There is still time for Flake to live up to his big talk, but unless I see a few more “NO” votes, I will support his opponent.

— Anthony Orlando, Chandler

Which monument is next for tearing down? My son’s?

Where and when does it end? My son’s name, along with well over 150 other Arizonans, is inscribed on a memorial in Wesley Bolin Plaza across from the State Capitol building.

I hope future, enlightene­d, right thinking, social-justice warriors don’t decide that honoring our state’s war dead from Iraq and Afghanista­n is now racist and hate filled.

Think hard about it before you desecrate or tear down memorials honoring those from our past.

— Mark Ehrlich, Mesa

I am really upset to read that not one but two U.S. Navy destroyers have run into cargo/tanker ships. This is unbelievab­le!

I was assigned to a destroyer escort from 1951 to 1954 and travelled to San Diego, Hawaii, Guam, Japan, Korea (twice), Formosa, Hong Kong, Hawaii and we not so much as bumped a dock.

Our captain never left the bridge while we were underway. There were always two deck hands on the bridge wings as lookouts while underway. Where were the radar operators?What was the helmsman looking at? If not the forward window, surely a radar screen.

I will be interested to read the Navy’s review of these incidents. If it is ever made public. — Elvin Shaw, Mesa

What about the laws against crossing the border illegally?

To columnist Elvia Diaz: If the lawbreakin­g of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio upsets you so much, why aren’t you bothered by people who break the law by living here illegally?

Laws concerning illegal immigratio­n have been on the books a long time. Why is enforcing them suddenly racist?

Hope putting an 85 year old man in jail quenches your thirst for revenge. Just sayin’! — Steve Karpinski, Phoenix

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