The Arizona Republic


Young migrants facing prospect of deportatio­n as Trump weighs ending Obama-era protection­s


As President Donald Trump weighs their future, many of the young people known as “dreamers” are considerin­g how much they could be asked to sacrifice to become American citizens, to shield themselves from deportatio­n and to protect their parents or the life they’ve built.

Dreamers, young people whose parents brought them to the U.S. illegally as children, have formed coalitions in Arizona and across the U.S. to advocate for immigratio­n reform.

Now, under a president who rallied his base as an immigratio­n hard-liner and vowed to build a wall on the border with Mexico, they are imagining the human fallout of impending political decisions.

“I won’t take anything that is going to put anyone at risk from my own benefit,” dreamer Belen Sisa said. “At the end of the day, I know who I am, and I know who a lot of these leaders (dreamers) are, and we’re not going down without a fight.”

Sisa has led local and national fights for migrant rights, including pushing for instate tuition for dreamers at Arizona colleges and organizing protests to stop deportatio­ns.

On Tuesday, she joined a demonstrat­ion at

Belen Sisa speaks at the “Come Together and Fight Back Tour” in Mesa in April. Sisa and other “dreamers” face an uncertain future as President Donald Trump considers the fate of DACA. PATRICK BREEN/THE REPUBLIC

the U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t headquarte­rs in Phoenix.

Migrant-rights, faith and other community groups launched a weeklong action at ICE to call on Trump to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA — an Obama-era program that grants qualifying dreamers temporary protection from deportatio­n and renewable two-year work permits.

To apply for DACA, young migrants must meet certain requiremen­ts, including having entered the U.S. before turning 16, having no serious criminal background and living continuous­ly in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.

The Trump administra­tion is under pressure from a group of Republican state attorneys general who have threatened to sue if DACA is not ended by Sept. 5.

The president has continued to focus on fighting illegal immigratio­n, taking to Twitter this week to blast Mexico for that country’s crime and vowing that it would pay for a wall. But he has seemed unsure of how to handle a group of migrants who have earned the sympathy of many Americans and politician­s on both sides of the aisle.

At a February press conference, shortly after his inaugurati­on, Trump said, “We’re going to show great heart. DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me, I will tell you.”

On Sunday, White House officials said that the president has wrestled with the issue for months.

In Arizona and elsewhere in the United States, about 800,000 people benefit from DACA.

Sisa and other dreamers are pushing Trump to continue the program. But they are also preparing for what the president and his fellow Republican leaders, who campaigned on stopping illegal immigratio­n, could ask for in return for protecting the program.

“This administra­tion is trying to pull us apart, divide us. It is trying to make us choose between our future and between having our families be here with us,” Sisa said.

“It’s a decision that no one should have to ever make.”

In a June 29 letter, attorneys general from Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Viriginia wrote that they wanted the secretary of Homeland Security to phase out the DACA program. They threatened to sue if the program continued.

It remains unclear if the Department of Justice would defend DACA, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been a fierce critic of the program.

Even Arizona immigratio­n hard-liners have struggled with the issue.

In June, Sen. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills — who was a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 1070, Arizona’s much-debated immigratio­n-enforcemen­t law — said he wanted stricter immigratio­n and deportatio­n policies but had empathy for dreamers.

“I do not believe that anybody brought here at a young age by their parents (and) who do not have serious criminal records should be deported,” he told The Arizona Republic. “I don’t believe in visiting the sins of the parents on the children, but the adults who came here illegally, I would deport them.”

Kavanagh said he would prefer to give dreamers a path to citizenshi­p.

“Through no fault of their own, they were born and raised here, and they’re Americaniz­ed. I don’t think it would be fair to throw them into a foreign country of which they know nothing,” he said.

Still, Kavanagh said he did not believe Democrats would support a bipartisan effort to aid dreamers unless it included relief for all immigrants in the country without legal status. That’s something he said Republican­s would never compromise on.

Without hope of a compromise, he said, Trump may choose to end the DACA program rather than continue it indefinite­ly.

Some dreamers fear that Trump could end the program as a strategy to gain greater bargaining power to toughen immigratio­n policies and win funding to build a 30-foot wall along the border with Mexico.

Others believe Trump could offer a deal to extend or even reform the program so it includes a pathway to citizenshi­p for dreamers, but only if such an incentive includes an agreement that could lead to mass deportatio­ns for dreamers’ parents.

At the center of this political debate are parents who crossed borders, broke laws and risked their lives to seek a better future for their children here.

Sisa said she believes dreamers are being used as political pawns in the immigratio­n debate.

Since qualifying for DACA, Sisa has earned scholarshi­ps to attend Arizona State University, has become a student leader at the campus and has worked on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidenti­al campaign.

Sisa’s father is an undocument­ed immigrant. He has supported her education and her political activism. She said she knows what her dad would want her to do if she had an opportunit­y to become a citizen.

“What your parents always want for you is to be OK. They’re willing to sacrifice whatever it is to know that you’re safe,” she said.

Karina Ruiz is a leader with the Arizona Dream Act Coalition and a DACA recipient. In 2015, she earned a bachelor’s in biochemist­ry at ASU while working full time and raising three children.

Ruiz said she knows Trump could end protection­s for dreamers any day. She chooses to still plan for her future and the future of her children and parents in the U.S.

She said she can’t stomach the idea of accepting protection­s that would risk her parents, who do not have legal status.

“We’ve fought hard for (immigratio­n reform) for all our families,” she said. “How can we give that up?”

Still, she said, she must acknowledg­e a tough truth of what a pathway to citizenshi­p would mean for dreamers.

“It means we can vote,” she said. “It’s the only way we can change things.”

DACA gave hundreds of thousands of immigrants an opportunit­y to show Americans what dreamers can achieve if given the opportunit­y, Sisa said.

“This program, it’s what brought us to this moment, and it brought us many victories because we felt in some ways protected,” she said.

Sisa said she hopes that after Trump’s comments on the violence in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, more Americans will recognize that the president campaigned on, and now is pushing through, policies that discrimina­te against people of color.

“He is using specific groups, targeting people like Muslims, like Latinos, like African-Americans, to really distract the American public, and no one took it seriously until he became president, until he said (after Charlottes­ville) that both sides are wrong,” she said. “There are no ‘both sides’ that are wrong to anyone who has been discrimina­ted against in the past; it is very clear to us.”

Reyna Montoya, 26, is among the thousands of young people who have waited on the administra­tion’s decision regarding their fate. Since 2012, Montoya has qualified for DACA protection­s.

She said the program gave her the opportunit­y to earn an education, buy a house and become an educator.

Montoya came to Arizona when she was 13. She said her father was seeking asylum from violence in Mexico. Her parents are still seeking legal immigratio­n status.

She founded Aliento, a community organizati­on focused on supporting youths without legal status.

On Saturday, she joined dreamers and people who back their cause at a Phoenix church.

The congregati­on talked about how they could help dreamers fight for DACA and what they would be willing to do to protect their neighbors if Trump ended the program.

“I think that people that care about this do need to understand that this doesn’t have to happen,” Montoya said. “It’s only going to happen if the American public stays silent, if the local officials allow this atrocity to happen, allow them to start deporting us and our families.”

On Tuesday, she joined the demonstrat­ion at ICE, calling on Trump to continue DACA. She sees Trump’s lack of action on DACA as a signal to the migrant community.

“I think that the truth of the matter is, if Trump really cared about people like me or other DACA recipients, he wouldn’t even (allow) rumors that he is going to end DACA,” she said. “Ending DACA, what that means is they’re literally starting my deportatio­n — it’s not a matter of if they’re going to deport me, it’s a matter of when.”

Montoya said that it’s easy for dreamers to get discourage­d knowing that their lives could be upended and that they signed up for a government program that gives the Trump administra­tion access to the addresses of hundreds of thousands of dreamers.

They know where the dreamers live, she said.

Montoya added that dreamers have turned to social media to comfort one another.

“They can take away our DACA, but they can never take away our dreams,” she said. “They can’t take our aspiration­s, and they can’t take away our community.”

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