The Arizona Republic

Some in Yuma say president’s visit too short


YUMA — Some officials in Yuma have expressed disappoint­ment in the brevity of President Donald Trump’s visit last month, which they were hoping would give the community a higher profile on the national stage.

The initial plans for Trump’s trip included a visit to the border and possible meetings with farmers and politician­s, but that didn’t happen, the Yuma Sun reported last week.

Yuma Mayor Doug Nicholls greeted Trump when he landed on Air Force One at Marine Corps Air Station-Yuma. Nicholls was able to speak with the president for a few seconds, he said.

“It was definitely great to have him here,” Nicholls said. “It was warm, so we talked about that for a second. He’s definitely following what’s going on in Yuma. He recognized me, which was a little bit of a surprise, and the work we’ve been doing here in Yuma city government.”

Supporters and protesters gathered near the base.

Rep. Charlene Fernandez, a Yuma Democrat and minority whip of the state House of Representa­tives, was out of town for Trump’s visit but said she kept in touch with the group that organized the protest.

“I really don’t know why he stopped in Yuma,” Fernandez said. “I would have liked him to go to the border to see some of the issues that we face every day, but I want some action on it.”

Cooperatio­n between bordering U.S. and Mexico cities is critical to the economy, she said.

Rep. Don Shooter, R-Yuma, is a longtime Trump supporter, but he headed to Oro Valley on the day of Trump’s visit for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns’ conference to accept an award.

“I would have come if he’d have asked me,” Shooter said.

Republican County Supervisor Darren Simmons was pleased with Trump’s visit — especially the focus it brought to the collaborat­ion between law-enforcemen­t agencies at the border.

“This is one of the few places where you can say it works, because the agencies work very well together,” Simmons said. “And everyone’s kind of against the (border) wall, but it’s really shown that it works here, in terms of decreasing illegal traffic and drugs coming across and vehicles coming across.”

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