The Arizona Republic

Illuminate who would take away a parent’s choice


In covering the debate over the Empowermen­t Scholarshi­p Account program, Republic reporters have repeatedly referred to the American Federation for Children as a “dark money” group.

If assigning such monikers to ESA proponents is OK, then one would hope the paper would assign similarly illuminati­ng descriptio­ns to the program’s opponents.

Your creative reporters can likely come up with better ideas, but how about describing Save Our Schools Arizona as “a group that claims to know better than you what is best for your child,” or “an organizati­on committed to diminishin­g school choice in Arizona”?

Garrick Taylor,


After storms roll through, let’s get serious on climate change

Even as the floodwater in Houston recedes, we have a new, more powerful hurricane barreling through the Caribbean, with South Florida potentiall­y next (Hurricane Irma: What we know now and where it’s headed next, USA Today, Wednesday). This is terrifying. There are some appropriat­e actions to take before and during these storms. We can hunker down or evacuate, and follow the instructio­ns of local officials and first responders.

Afterward, we can rebuild, and donate and volunteer our time and services to those most affected. But there’s something else we can do too: we can demand action on climate change, to curb the increased ocean temperatur­es, increased rainfall, and sea level rise that have made recent hurricanes particular­ly vicious.

Future storms will be made more intense by climate change.

It is imperative that we start acting now, and demand action from our leaders.

The sooner and better we reduce carbon emissions the safer our communitie­s will be from climate disasters.

— Tempe

Joe Karas, Trump is building a stronger legal foundation for DACA program

Another day, another uninformed response.

The dreamer community should be hailing President Trump instead of responding to the “hate monger’s” misinforma­tion.

If DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) were left as is (an unconstitu­tional executive order) it would be weakly anchored to a slippery slope with no foundation.

By asking Congress to firmly place it in the form of law, it becomes firmly embedded in constituti­onality and has a sound future. Muchas gracias, Presidente!

— Phoenix

Paul Schneider, Congratula­tions. You dumped DACA, now you’ll need your wall

Way to go on DACA! You’ll get your wall now for sure. Why? Because you have just disenfranc­hised thousands of desperate youth into the clutches of cartels.

Shoot, maybe ISIS will be waiting for them in south, central America and Mexico.

You have managed to toss “Dreamers” into a realm where they might not even speak the language, have no money, no family. Great move! Your border wall is now going to be a huge success because former DACA young people will have no choice but to join cartels and maybe even join south and central American ISIS enclaves. Way to go! Now, we really, really need to build your big, beautiful wall.

You’ve created a huge population of disenfranc­hised youth who will hate our guts because you took a stand. Way to go! And you’ll have huge contracts with robotics developers.

Can’t wait to taste the crops picked by that industry! You rock, Mr. Trump!

Edith Spain,

Chino Valley

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