The Arizona Republic

We need to replace Trump before he starts nuclear war

- AZCENTRAL.COM — Ellen Van Riper, Phoenix

It is now obvious that our lunatic, Trump, is deliberate­ly trying to start a nuclear war by continuing his childish, but deadly tweet war with North Korea’s lunatic.

There will be no winner in a nuclear war. Tens of millions of people will lose their lives, including possibly your loved ones and mine.

Whether by impeachmen­t or the 25th amendment, it is time for this dangerous lunatic to be removed from office and replaced with a capable, intelligen­t, realistic president.

The alternativ­e is unthinkabl­e.

— Gerald Kern, Scottsdale

President Trump is declaring war on everyone and everything

The president of the United States has told North Korea that every man, woman and child in that country could be annihilate­d.

He has told the NFL to fire all the football players who choose to protest.

He has told the NBA that their players are not welcome at the White House. So who will be next?

Maybe your sons or daughters for speaking up at school?

What will his punishment be for standing up for your beliefs?

There have always been things in this world that are frightenin­g but never before have we as Americans faced so many scary days.

On a positive note, we only have to survive for a little over three years.

— Bob Fournier, Mesa

Criticize repeal, but remember, Obamacare was no walk in park

E.J. Montini writes a ridiculous article about Gov. Doug Ducey and U.S. Sen. John McCain on health care.

Ducey was going to kill Arizona residents and McCain, with his huge ego and passe notion of Congress, was correct voting no on the Obamacare repeal.

Montini does not cover the 200-percent increase in Obamacare premiums in Arizona.

Nor does he cover the counties that have only one provider. Nor the people who cannot afford to use the insurance because of huge deductible­s.

Sen. McCain is being petty and small due to a bruised ego.

— Craig Holstad, Chandler

Go ahead and kneel, athletes, and we your fans will skedaddle

If profession­al athletes don’t stand for our national anthem, we don’t watch their games or buy the products advertised.

— Len Paulson, Sun Lakes

I don’t need the NFL preaching to me its political correctnes­s

Regarding the NFL-Donald Trump rift:

It’s about the fans, stupid. It’s not about the president. It’s about the people the president represents, not you, the players.

I don’t care about your individual politics, play the game.

The people are tired of masked window-breakers at protests. Fry these agitators like bacon. Players taking a knee are their equivalent.

When it comes down to individual rights souring a sporting event with a political statement, I’ll take law enforcemen­t and good manners every time.

Fire them for demonstrat­ing during an athletic event I am paying to see. I don’t need Colin Kapernick-style disrespect to make me wish I was elsewhere. I don’t need to be politicall­y corrected, thank you.

— David G. Dwinell, Sun City

We need a hero to finally step up, repeal and replace Obamacare

I see where Sen. John McCain’s vote was ratified by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Maybe McCain supports a single-payer health-care system now.

Maybe he will change his loyalty to the Democrats.

We need a hero now to repeal and replace Obamacare.

John it’s time to step up to the plate. No more vengeful votes.

— Dick Petersen, Scottsdale

Pray for cooler heads to prevail in contest of Trump and Kim Jong Un

Enough already of the ego-driven, testostero­ne-fueled game of “my missile is bigger than yours” being played by Trump and Kim Jong Un.

Their tiresome exchange of insults and empty threats inevitably will spur one or the other to push the nuclear button.

This is a very dangerous game of chicken where there will be no winners, just losers.

We should all pray that cooler heads prevail.

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