The Arizona Republic

Fix the culture that made the harassers


Our national values are a fast-food feast. Cheap, empty calories that offer superficia­l satisfacti­on and no lasting nutrition.

In this culture, every boy and girl gets to choose between succumbing to a gender stereotype or becoming a real human being.

Lots of them fail.

The focus lately has been on the male failures: Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, Donald Trump, John Conyers, Louis C.K. and — for those who simply cannot move past the 1990s — Bill Clinton.

These guys saw themselves as entitled to be as nasty as they wanted to be.

Hey, wait. That sounds familiar. “As Nasty as They Wanna Be” is a 1989 2 Live Crew album that became a commercial success with lyrics that are as vulgar as they are misogynist.

Did women protest? Did they refuse to buy the album? Boycott places where it was being played?

Or did they go along to get along — which is the basic life lesson little girls still internaliz­e from their culture.

Saturday Night Live — once home of Franken — became a standard against which hip comedy is measured.

“Jane, you ignorant slut” became a catch phrase by capitalizi­ng on the stereotype­s that have been most harmful to women since that original slander against Eve.

Adam’s mistake was listening to a woman, right? This is the subtle lesson little boys get. There’s no greater insult than throwing like a girl — or emoting like one.

But women gathered around the television for decades to laugh at the sexist dreck SNL served.

Now women are speaking out against sexual harassment. They are telling about the vile stuff they endured for the sake of keeping a job or avoiding the wrath of a powerful man.

Good for them. Their stories need to be heard.

But it is a head-spinning contradict­ion that this #metoo movement comes after Trump got elected despite demonstrat­ing his misogyny on video.

I’d like to think we’ve reached some sort of watershed moment for feminism. That maybe Trump’s election was the last straw for a lot of women who’d held their tongues all these years.

I’d like to think sexual harassment now carries such a high price that few men will dare cross the line ever again. But I have my doubts.

For one thing, too much of this is happening in the context of politics, which gets muddier and muddier.

Supporters of Trump and Moore may cringe at their behavior, but they will continue to support them for the sake of their politics.

Just as the Democrats and feminists continued to support Bill Clinton for the sake of his.

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