The Arizona Republic

State charter system is ripping off taxpayers

- EJ Montini Columnist

The scam that is Arizona’s chartersch­ool system was plainly revealed recently in news articles about two groups of financiall­y failing schools.

One group of failing schools belongs to a traditiona­l school district. The other is charter schools.

In the story on charters, Arizona Republic reporters Agnel Philip and Ricardo Cano describe how the auditors of 40 charter schools believe there is danger they may close within a year, much like the recent closure of a charter in Goodyear that dumped students and teachers on the street with essentiall­y no notice.

The other article, also by Cano, describes the failing Murphy Elementary School District.

Charter schools are public schools. They spend your money.

Unfortunat­ely, the Republican­s who control the Legislatur­e have decided that you and I shouldn’t know HOW charter schools spend our money. So when they fail, it often comes as a complete surprise. To students and their parents, anyway.

One of the big difference­s between traditiona­l public schools and charters is that when charter schools fail financiall­y there is nothing the state can do about it.

Imagine that. It’s YOUR money. Gone. Poof!

The state has the ability to intervene if charters fail academical­ly (although they get LOTS of chances). It can do the same thing to a traditiona­l public school.

But as Jim Hall of Arizonans for Charter School Accountabi­lity told The

Republic, financial audits for charter schools are “a fairly useless exercise.”

Likewise, Curt Cardine of the Grand Canyon Institute, which has exhaustive­ly studied charter schools, said of the state’s control of charters, “It’s really, ‘We expect you to do this, but if you don’t, we’re not going to do anything. We can’t.’ ”

There is an excellent chance that the Murphy Elementary School District, a traditiona­l school district wallowing in financial trouble, will be taken over by the state. It’s terrible, but there is no chance that Murphy’s schools will close suddenly and abruptly in the middle of the week with no notice to parents or teachers.

That can — and does — happen with charter schools.

And according to The Republic’s report, it could happen to dozens of charters within a year.

It’s a rip-off and a scam and the Republican­s who control the Legislatur­e allow it to go on. They refuse to enact the same kind of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity rules for charters that are imposed on other public schools.

In its report on the financial shenanigan­s allowed to go on within charter schools the Grand Canyon Institute

pointed to things like a lack of competitiv­e bidding, which allows self-serving charter holders to enrich themselves and their relatives on the taxpayer dime.

Dave Wells, research director for the institute, told me a while back, “We think taxpayers have a right to know where their money is going.”

Yes, we do.

But charter-school apologists like Gov. Doug Ducey argue that charters need to be less restricted than other public schools so they can innovate. Bull.

Ducey and his friends in the Legislatur­e (some of whom make money off the charter system) simply hate traditiona­l public schools and publicscho­ol teachers (which perhaps explains why Arizona’s teachers are among the lowest paid educators in the nation.)

Back in 2014 the Brookings Institutio­n did what it called “a comprehens­ive look at Arizona’s charter schools.”

That study concluded: “On average, charter schools in Arizona do no better, and sometimes worse, than the traditiona­l public schools.”

Charters do outperform traditiona­l public schools in one very significan­t area, however:

Ripping off taxpayers.

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