The Arizona Republic

McSally shifts her support to stricter immigratio­n policy

- Ronald J. Hansen and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez

U.S. Rep. Martha McSally has dropped her support for immigratio­nreform legislatio­n that offers a pathway to citizenshi­p for undocument­ed dreamers in favor of a less generous alternativ­e that also would sharply reduce legal immigratio­n.

McSally, now a U.S. Senate candidate, instead is backing a bill that calls for allowing undocument­ed immigrants brought to the United States as children to apply for “contingent non-immigrant status,” rather than giving them a shot at becoming legal permanent residents and eventually full U.S. citizens.

The move comes as McSally is facing two rival conservati­ves seeking this year’s Republican nomination for the state’s open Senate seat and as she has taken a harder line on border security and other issues in advance of a combative Republican primary.

While McSally dropped her backing for one immigratio­n bill, other Republican­s are trying to gather support for a rare effort to force House Speaker Paul Ryan to allow votes on a series of immigratio­n measures.

For now, that effort still lacks enough GOP support. McSally is among those who have not signed on to what is known as a “discharge petition.”

Regardless, McSally made clear Thursday that she intends to pursue a different course than the one she backed last year.

McSally asked the House of Representa­tives for unanimous consent to formally drop her co-sponsorshi­p of a bill called the Recognizin­g America’s Children Act, which was seen as a Republican-led alternativ­e to the Dream Act authored by Democrats.

The RAC Act now has 35 co-sponsors, including U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the only Democrat to sign on to it. Sinema is also running for Arizona’s Senate seat being vacated by incumbent Republican Sen. Jeff Flake.

Her staff said McSally “wanted to clarify” that she now wants another bill, called the Securing America’s Future Act. That bill, which would do away with the diversity visa program and impose tougher border enforcemen­t provisions, has 95 co-sponsors, all of whom are Republican­s. It would grant “contingent nonimmigra­nt status” to those brought to the U.S. as children if they meet certain conditions rather than citizenshi­p.

McSally has co-sponsored that measure since January.

“With a potential vote coming up on several bills related to this issue, Congresswo­man McSally wanted to clarify which legislativ­e solution she backs wholeheart­edly,” said her spokeswoma­n, Kelly Schibi, in a statement. “Congresswo­man McSally is a lead author and champion of the Securing America’s Future Act, a border security bill that fully funds the wall, cracks down on sanctuary cities and criminal illegal gangs, and addresses the DACA population. The Congresswo­man’s bill is the only bill in the House that President Trump and Secretary Nielsen support.”

McSally is running against Kelli Ward, a former state senator, and Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County sheriff. Both are immigratio­n hardliners who have enthusiast­ically supported President Donald Trump’s call for a wall along the southern border.

Eric Beach, Ward’s lead strategist, said McSally’s move illustrate­s what he describes as a political “identity crisis” that has plagued her since she launched her campaign in January.

“She has to run on her record and she’s never gone through the ringer statewide like she is now,” Beach told

The Arizona Republic. “Unfortunat­ely for her, I think she’s being exposed.”

He said Ward will continue to press her “pro-border, pro-law” message, one he says will play well with voters over a candidate who “seems to sway on the issues when it’s to their political” benefit.

Chad Willems, Arpaio’s campaign manager, also attacked McSally’s shifting support on immigratio­n-related legislatio­n.

“It’s no shock that McSally has been changing positions on key policy issues since she decided to run for higher office,” Willems said in a written statement. “But for her to flip-flop so late in the game is just embarrassi­ng.”

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