The Arizona Republic

Ending DACA will cost us billions

It would cost $10 billion to deport DACA recipients, with no return on investment. And that’s just the start of our economic losses

- David Adame and Glenn Hamer Guest columnists

President Donald Trump last September set a deadline for the end of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the program that temporaril­y protected from deportatio­n undocument­ed immigrants brought to the United States as children.

It’s now up to Congress to find a solution.

However, with the program’s expiration date looming, a congressio­nal solution remains elusive and that’s worrisome.

As Congress dickers, other decisions are being made that affect Arizona’s economy, like the recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court that “dreamers” or DACA recipients are not eligible for in-state college tuition.

There were 27,865 DACA recipients in Arizona in September 2017, a number that shrinks each day as more Arizonans lose their DACA status.

The three federal judges’ ruling gives these young immigrants a respite. But they remain in greater legal limbo because the attorneys general for Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia have asked another U.S. District Court to decide whether DACA is indeed lawful.

Chicanos Por La Causa and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry believe there must be a legislativ­e path forward to bring the DACA issue to a positive resolution.

A failure to do so would be a terrible missed opportunit­y and a self-inflicted economic injury.

More than 87 percent of DACA recipients — over 24,000 — are working, earning an average of $17 per hour.

One in five DACA recipients is also pursuing an advanced degree, which means Arizona DACA recipients are striving to obtain higher paying jobs, which leads to higher consumptio­n and higher tax revenue generation.

Arizona DACA recipients are employed at all levels of the workforce — nurses, teachers, engineers, scientists and laborers. Arizona DACA recipients

and DACA workers nationally over the last 10 years have contribute­d nearly $25 billion to Medicare and Social Security, something from which we all benefit.

It’s an economic contributi­on we shouldn’t take for granted. Employers would incur $3.4 billion in turnover costs to replace DACA workers if the program were eliminated.

These costs stem from the cycle of identifyin­g, training and replacing deported DACA recipients. The cost of deportatio­n itself is high, with no return on investment. It would cost the country at least $10 billion to deport DACA recipients alone. Those costs will have to be absorbed by the federal budget, crowding out other important priorities.

If DACA is eliminated, our country will lose more than $460 billion from our existing GDP base over 10 years.

At the same time, there would be an additional $280 billion reduction in future growth above that GDP base resulting from the loss of an expanded workforce.

For Arizona, the DACA issue complicate­s our relationsh­ip with our top trading partner, Mexico.

Arizona leaders at all levels of government have helped forge the model binational relationsh­ip.

Arizona’s welcoming environmen­t has attracted more Mexican-owned businesses. A failure to reach a resolution on DACA runs counter to the positivity that surrounds the Arizona-Mexico relationsh­ip and harms the state’s ability to attract talent and new job creators.

It’s an economic contributi­on we shouldn’t take for granted. Employers would incur $3.4 billion in turnover costs to replace DACA workers if the program were eliminated. These costs stem from the cycle of identifyin­g, training and replacing deported DACA recipients. The cost of deportatio­n itself is high, with no return on investment. It would cost the country at least $10 billion to deport DACA recipients alone.

The argument for a permanent DACA solution is economical­ly sound. It also is just.

Chicanos Por La Causa and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry stand with our nearly 30,000 friends, neighbors, family and co-workers in asking Congress to lay aside its partisan difference­s and consider what this enormous loss would mean to us all.

David Adame is the president and CEO of Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. and Glenn Hamer is the president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Twitter: @DavidAda meCPLC and @GlennHamer.

 ?? MICHAEL CHOW/ THE REPUBLIC ?? One in five DACA recipients is also pursuing an advanced degree. Darian Cruz wipes away a tear while standing next to Vanessa Gonzalez during a rally at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix on April 9. The state Supreme Court denied in-state tuition...
MICHAEL CHOW/ THE REPUBLIC One in five DACA recipients is also pursuing an advanced degree. Darian Cruz wipes away a tear while standing next to Vanessa Gonzalez during a rally at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix on April 9. The state Supreme Court denied in-state tuition...
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