The Arizona Republic

Craig T. Nelson talks about his big year

- Bill Goodykoont­z

Craig T. Nelson has had a sneaky good career.

Nelson, who attended the University of Arizona, is best known for the television show “Coach,” which ran from 1989 to 1997. But check out some of these other credits: “Poltergeis­t,”“...And Justice for All,” “Silkwood,” “The Killing Fields,” “Wag the Dog” — and let’s not forget the voice of Mr. Incredible in “The Incredible­s.”

Nelson will return for “Incredible­s 2” in June, and he’s part of the allstar cast of the just-released“Book Club,” which includes Jane Fonda, Mary Steenburge­n, Candice Bergen and Diane Keaton. He talked about making the movie and what it’s like to have a bit of a comeback.

Question: You’re having a pretty good year so far.

Answer: Yeah (laughs).

Q: People usually talk about it in terms of women, but is it also hard for men who are getting older to find good work?

A: Yeah, it’s definitely harder to find, sure. It’s just a reflection of the culture. It’s pretty much youth-oriented.

Q: In this film, they’re not just doddering old people like you often see in the movies. They may not be happy, but they’re not sitting still.

A: Yeah, I’m not sure if it’s indicative or representa­tive of that age group, but I think generally speaking that’s true. I think most of us are pretty active at later ages. I think that’s reflected also in the Read Karina Bland on karinablan­ fact that life expectancy is growing so much. It’s just even the concept of how you look at the socializat­ion of older members of society and how they’re almost kept out of consciousn­ess, in a way.

Q: Why do you think that is?

A: Like I say, I think it’s such a dominance of the youth culture. You have most of the film and television being geared to a younger crowd demographi­cally. That’s where they think they make the money, and perhaps that

holds true. I’m not in agreement with that at all, but that’s just the way it is.

Q: I looked you up, and I was stunned that you’re as old as you are. (He’s 74.)

A: (Laughs) I’ve been active pretty much my whole life, both in athletics and physically, and I try to keep myself active mentally, too, which is a whole other thing.

Q: But you’ve definitely noticed it getting harder to find good material?

A: The obstacle has always been finding good material. It gets more restrictiv­e when you get older, sure. Sometimes it comes to you, and sometimes you find it. And then along with that, depending on how long you’ve been doing it, you do kind of want to take it easy a little bit if you can, and if you’re in a position to do that, so there’s conflict in that regard.

Q: You don’t seem like someone who doesn’t want to stop working anytime soon.

A: Yeah. I mean, you do. It’s what you do. It’s not who you are, but that’s your job, if you like doing it, and I do. That’s what you want to do. In this particular case, I got pretty fortunate this year, to be able to do these two projects and have them come out roughly at the same time. And they’re vastly different.

Q: “Book Club” has a pretty impressive cast.

A: I’ve worked with Jane before, I’ve worked with Diane, and I worked with Mary. The one person I hadn’t worked with was Candice. We had had a show on, on ABC, at the same time she was doing “Murphy Brown.” I was doing “Coach.” We had never met, so that was kind of fun for me. Having worked with the other ladies before, it was kind of falling into very familiar territory. It wasn’t anything particular­ly dynamic. It was just a lot of fun.

Q: You’ve done a lot of good projects, but it seems as if “Coach” is the one you’re most identified with. Did you realize that would be the case when it started?

A: No, uh-uh, because it was such a difficult show to get off the ground. We did 13 of them without an air date, so we didn’t really have any idea of what the show was going to do at all. And over the nine years the show was on, it moved 17 times. It was a show that was really adaptable. It could go just about anywhere and do pretty well. But it was always an uphill fight for me.

Q: It’s surprising that it moved so much. Didn’t it always do pretty well?

A: Yeah. In fact, the only reason I think we wanted to stop was because we’d gone on too long. Enough, already. But we’d had such a great time, it was so much fun to do, yeah. It was one of those things I always felt, when I was doing it, it was really under-appreciate­d. It’s funny how time dictates what people are accepting of, even the media. There was a big shift, it was like physical comedy, or even comedy where people could sit down as a family and watch it together, wasn’t necessaril­y what they wanted to see. They wanted to see something far more sophistica­ted, I suppose, or at least appear to be that way. But “Coach” was just pretty much a lot of fun. You were going to tune in and get some comedy, you know what I mean? And it also dealt with characters that were archaic, in a way. That’s what, to me, made them so funny (laughs). They had a value system, by God, and they were going to stick with it and it worked.

Q: Were you surprised they wanted to do another “Incredible­s?”

A: I had more or less given up that they were going to do one, because it was so long (between them). But I did see (writer and director) Brad Bird about two years, three years ago, and he was telling me that it looked like they were going to do a sequel. I was pleasantly surprised.

Q: “The Incredible­s,” popular as it is, has to be the most-underrated Pixar movie. In a different way, it’s kind of doing what the “Deadpool” movies do now — subverting the whole genre.

A: Well, when the first one came out, there was not this glut of superhero movies that you’ve got now. I think the interestin­g concept Brad had going into this was how to rework it so that it fit in an era where there was a lot of these films out.

Q: When you read the script for the first one, were you impressed?

A: Yeah. I was amazed that I was asked to do it. It came out of nowhere. I’d always been a big fan of “Iron Giant” (which Bird directed and co-wrote), so I was really prepped for that one, for doing the first one.

Q: It seems as if you are a little underrated, too. You’ve been in some great stuff.

A: I kind of like it that way. I would agree with you only because my ego wants to say, “You’re absolutely right (laughs).” But, at the same time, it’s been kind of deliberate. I find, for me, that I’m happier drawing on all of the circumstan­ces and the character defects and achievemen­ts as a father, as a grandfathe­r, as a great-grandfathe­r — I find those challenges to be far greater and more important than what I’m doing on-screen or in television or whatever. And I try to take what I’ve learned in my life experience and apply that to what I do. I’m not so much interested in receiving accolades or awards or whatever. I just want to do good work. That’s where I’m more oriented.

Of course, I do like to be massaged and reveled and I’m totally surprised when I don’t come out of the supermarke­t and people aren’t standing and applauding (laughs). Having said that, it’s like having a job anywhere. Being a perfection­ist, I want to do the best I can.

Q: It really is true that bringing life experience to any job helps. Like once you have kids, you realize there are more important things in the world than your job, yet your work usually improves because you realize there are bigger things out there.

A: Yeah, and that’s part of the quandary when you’re getting older. You’re ready to do your best work, and there isn’t the availabili­ty of the work to do. All it is, is just an ongoing journey, and you bring to it what you’ve got, and hopefully you’ve got some positive energy that you can apply, because my gosh, given the world and the state it’s in, there’s enough negativity to last all of us a long time. Which is, again, why “Book Club” was so invigorati­ng. It didn’t do that. It didn’t go negative. It took all of the positive aspects of everybody and exposed them. Yes, there were problems, but everybody was there to achieve something — I’m talking about the characters.

Q: You certainly had the most strikingly visual scene in the film. (Steenburge­n, playing Nelson’s wife, gives him a dose of Viagra without his knowledge, and the effects are, ahem, visible in his pants.)

A: (Laughs) yeah.

Q: What was that like to shoot? A: Well, it was really difficult, because you’re doing something that is kind of on the edge of way over the top, so you have to be careful. It was the first time in my life, and I’ve been doing this quite a while now, that I walked into my trailer on set, and it was about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, we were going to shoot a shot late that night ... and there were four (sex toys) hanging in my closet. I think that’s a first for me. I had to try them on. I had to make sure they were the right size, and that they were going to fit the pants I was going to wear, and of course I had to do that in front of the costume department.

Q: Did they let you choose?

A: I had my say (laughs). I had some input, if you will.

 ??  ?? Craig T. Nelson
Craig T. Nelson
 ?? MGM ?? One of Craig T. Nelson’s best-known roles is the patriarch in 1982’s “Poltergeis­t.” Dominique Dunne (from left), JoBeth Williams and Oliver Robins also star.
MGM One of Craig T. Nelson’s best-known roles is the patriarch in 1982’s “Poltergeis­t.” Dominique Dunne (from left), JoBeth Williams and Oliver Robins also star.
 ?? MELINDA SUE GORDON/PARAMOUNT PICTURES ?? Mary Steenburge­n and Craig T. Nelson star in “Book Club.”
MELINDA SUE GORDON/PARAMOUNT PICTURES Mary Steenburge­n and Craig T. Nelson star in “Book Club.”
 ?? JOSHUA BLANCHARD/GETTY IMAGES ?? Craig T. Nelson attends the premiere of “Book Club” on May 6 in Westwood, Calif.
JOSHUA BLANCHARD/GETTY IMAGES Craig T. Nelson attends the premiere of “Book Club” on May 6 in Westwood, Calif.
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