The Arizona Republic

Democrats can’t resist the scandal temptation

- Rich Lowry Columnist Rich Lowry is the editor of National Review. Reach him at comments.low ry@nationalre­ @richlowry.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, the Democrat from Minnesota, uttered a forlorn sentiment at a Center for American Progress conference. She said Democrats can’t spend all their time bemoaning President Donald Trump’s existence and that her voters care more about soybean exports than Russian bots.

She’s right, but good luck getting anyone to listen. If Democrats have a disappoint­ing November, their consuming Russian obsession will have something to do with it.

With special counsel Robert Mueller’s net allegedly closing in and the investigat­ion having taken a lurid turn by broadening out to the Stormy Daniels affair, there are now reputable polls showing Trump at 44 percent. This doesn’t mean he’s in hale and hearty condition, but his standing is markedly better than six months ago, raising the question: Why didn’t he think of getting embroiled in a fight with a porn star earlier? Scandal politics is always very tempting, and the left, especially TV personalit­ies like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, have given in to it utterly. Its allure is understand­able:

It’s easy. You don’t have to do any of the hard work of public persuasion or re-examine any of your assumption­s. Robert Mueller is your deus ex machina.

It creates the delicious possibilit­y of your adversarie­s not just being defeated or humiliated but being ruined and sent to jail. “Lock them up.”

It transforms politics into a legal whodunit, with the Trump administra­tion not just the locus of politics and policies you abhor but an active crime scene to be tantalizin­gly dissected clue by clue.

It offers the promise of vindicatin­g your core belief that the 2016 election wasn’t lost but stolen from you. Winning the midterms wouldn’t be nearly as emotionall­y satisfying as righting the presumed wrong of Trump’s election by exposing the malefactor­s truly responsibl­e for it.

This mindset insists that everything has to be, at bottom, a legal matter, not a political or moral question.

So, when Trump denies he reimbursed Michael Cohen, it could lead to legal trouble. When he admits he reimbursed Michael Cohen, it could lead to legal trouble. It’s never enough to say he had an affair with a porn star, paid her off and was dishonest about it, which would seem embarrassi­ng and blameworth­y enough.

No, there has to be the prospect of him and people around him getting caught up in the grinding machinery of prosecutio­n.

Republican­s adopted the same view in the 1990s. If they could affix the scandal suffix “-gate” to any matter (Troopergat­e, Filegate), they thought they had hit gold. The public ended up caring more about the benign material conditions of the 1990s than Bill Clinton’s appalling conduct and attendant legal problems.

Many elected Democrats, per Amy Klobuchar, seem to realize that the most politicall­y promising attack against Trump is as a stereotypi­cal Republican plutocrat implementi­ng all the same textbook GOP policies, rather than as a Kremlin tool. But left-wing cable personalit­ies, much of the mainstream press and the Democratic base are much too vested in Russia to ease off, and the amount of attention they devote to it is overwhelmi­ng.

The Mueller probe has been covered like it’s a major scandal, with a missing 18½ minutes every other day, when it is only an investigat­ion. It holds the possibilit­y of uncovering a major scandal — if, that is, one exists. A symptom of the Russia obsession is to consider that a given, when there is not yet any public proof.

One theory about Trump has been that he’s a master at creating distractio­ns, i.e., every other eruption on Twitter is designed to draw attention away from some unwelcome story. But even he couldn’t have devised a better way to keep reliable progressiv­e mouthpiece­s on a topic that is less potent than the issues-based attack on him and could yet prove a dry hole.

That is what his opposition is doing to itself, because it can’t resist the scandal temptation.

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