The Arizona Republic

District schools and charter schools should compare notes

- Rick Schwartz, Florence Don Perkins, Mesa Nancy Humphry, Oro Valley Robin Marie Gapa, Flagstaff Rodney Gifford, Fountain Hills

The past few weeks I have read numerous articles regarding charter schools and how they are managed. I by no means claim to know a lot about charter schools, but, I don’t understand how two separate entities, district schools and charter schools, that should have the same goal to educate our children, have two completely different sets of rules to achieve that goal.

While one entity is struggling, the other seems to be flourishin­g. Maybe these two entities should compare how each is managed and develop one set of rules in which to operate.

A flat-rate tax would even out the incentive to succeed

When the rich moan about a lack of incentive to succeed if highly taxed, I think about a flat-rate tax that would be the same for everyone. Everyone would have the same incentive to succeed. Why not? Fair is fair!

I will not soon forget the man in the white pickup who helped me

Days have passed since my solitary driving trip to Southern California via Surprise. This a first for me.

Saturday, May 5 was the beginning, and because of a major problem in Phoenix, when I (and many others) had to exit the freeway, I became lost.

I stopped. This was an industrial area without any sign of life, except passing vehicles. I stood outside my car, hoping for someone to help me. Someone did.

His uniform shirt that I believe was blue read “Tim.”

He drove a white pickup with some manner of equipment in the truck bed. He was not young; he was not old. Still shaking, I explained my situation. He calmly wrote out explicit directions, naming numerous intersecti­ons and then a turn to access the Loop 303. Truly amazing!

He told me it would be about an hour to my destinatio­n. It took 58 minutes. Maybe someone will read this and tell him, as I cannot.

Tell him he is my hero, and that this lady of a certain age will long remember.

Reminder to people of southern Arizona from friends up north

I was wondering if you could let the people of Arizona know to please, please, when they are visiting the northern part of the state or any forest regions, be aware season.

The Tinder Fire started because campers ignored the “no burn” in effect at the time of their camping but ignored it and left their campfire burning.

Please don’t throw lit cigarettes out your vehicle window, and build no campfires as requested. We all love our forests, however some of us live in the forest and when fire takes control, a lot of us lose everything!

Please consider all consequenc­es of fire. Thank you. of the extreme fire

Don’t charter schools have it rich as they dismantle district schools?

So I start a charter school with a loan from the State of Arizona. Then I get to use taxpayer dollars to repay the loan. My family and I create separate business entities that hire the teachers for the school, provide the classroom materials and own and lease back to the charter schools the building(s) it uses while collecting a “management fee” on each, all with little or no accountabi­lity. But wait it gets better.

Our own Senate president writes legislatio­n that directly benefits himself and family and the other special interests that want a piece of the action (our governor, the Goldwater Institute and others) while they work together to dismantle public education.

The lack of ethics and accountabi­lity is disgusting.

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