The Arizona Republic

Voter fraud claims spread

Campaigns accused of fake petition signatures

- Dustin Gardiner and Alison Steinbach

Accusation­s of pervasive forgery on candidate nomination petitions have spread to multiple Arizona campaigns, from two statehouse races to a primary contest for U.S. Congress.

Elections officials and political consultant­s say such pervasive accusation­s of voter-signature fraud are unpreceden­ted in recent state history.

The controvers­y came to light two weeks ago when The Arizona Republic reported that dozens of voters said their names were forged on petitions for Mark Syms, an independen­t running for state Senate.

Syms was tossed from the ballot Friday when a Maricopa County judge ruled he didn’t have enough legitimate signatures.

Voters said their names and supposed signatures were listed without their consent or knowledge. One couple was in Scotland at the time they supposedly signed, another man was in California. Many supposed signatorie­s contacted by The Republic had never heard of Mark Syms.

Accusation­s of forgery also have been leveled in at least two other campaigns, both of which used some of the same signature collectors who did work for Syms’ campaign.

In addition to Syms, opponents have raised concerns about possible forgery on petitions for Ray Martinez, a Democrat running for state Senate; and Sandra Dowling, a Republican running for Congress.

As many as 1,400 voters’ signatures were allegedly fabricated across the four campaigns, according to lawsuits. The deadline to challenge ballot signatures was June 13.

Dowling narrowly survived a ballot challenge. Martinez was removed from the ballot, partially due to signature discrepanc­ies. Syms plans to appeal his removal.

Given the magnitude of alleged forgery, the situation could trigger a criminal fraud investigat­ion. It’s a felony to knowingly forge a document for filing with a government agency.

“What I see is pretty troubling,” said Eric Spencer, state elections director for the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office.

In Syms’ case, at least half of his signatures were possibly forged. County elections determined 1,176 were invalid because the handwritin­g does not match signatures on voter records.

The judge in his case said the county’s report and other evidence “strongly suggests that (Syms’) signature collectors forged or somehow otherwise engaged in fraudulent practices while gathering signatures.”

Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Lines also blasted Syms over the apparent forgeries.

“It is time for Mark Syms to end this sad and vindictive charade,” Lines said in a prepared statement Thursday. “Voter fraud is a serious problem, and this case may represent the most egregious example of voter fraud in Arizona history.”

Syms contends legitimate voters were disqualifi­ed in the county’s review.

While it’s typical to see a dozen or more ballot challenges in an election year, the 2018 election cycle has prompted grievous complaints.

For starters, there are more ballot complaints overall, due in part to a surge in the number of candidates. In 2016, there were only 12 ballot challenges in statewide, legislativ­e and federal races, according to the secretary of state.

This year, 45 ballot challenges were filed at the state level. At least 17 candidates have withdrawn or been thrown off the ballot so far.

The outcomes will determine who is on the ballot for voters in the Aug. 28 primary and Nov. 6 general election.

Arizona requires candidates to collect a minimum number of registered voter signatures to get on the ballot. Usually campaigns get kicked off for technical reasons or for having signatures from people who aren’t registered to vote, don’t live in the district or belong to a different political party.

But this year, three candidates have been accused of submitting petitions that contain outright phony signatures to help them clear the ballot hurdle.

“I don’t know how to explain it,” Spencer said. “I don’t know if less reputable firms are being used. It’s more prevalent this election cycle, and that’s why it’s time that we crack down on this.”

Many of the signatures in question were collected by three individual­s who listed their names as Clifford Curry, Eric Dwayne Pearson and Alicia JoAnn Smith, according to the forms. All three also list their address as a homeless shelter in downtown Phoenix. The Republic was unable to locate Curry, Pearson or Smith.

Two campaigns, Syms and Dowling, said they hired a signature-collecting firm owned by Larry Herrera, a school board member in the Washington Elementary School District in north Phoenix and Glendale. He also ran for Legislatur­e but dropped out after forgery allegation­s involving his campaign surfaced.

Herrera hasn’t responded to repeated requests for comment.

The three lawsuits allege varying degrees of signature fraud, but all include several of the same players:

Mark Syms, state Senate candidate

Signatures submitted: 2,158 (1,250 required); State elections officials recently updated Syms’ total signature number, correcting a previous count.

Number invalid per Maricopa County review: 1,675; a judge restored 10 of his invalidate­d signatures.

Allegation­s of forgery: After questions about Syms’ signatures were reported in the press, an opponent filed a lawsuit accusing him of submitting at least 914 forged signatures.

Syms, an independen­t, is seeking to run for state Senate in Legislativ­e District 28, which encompasse­s parts of north-central Phoenix, Arcadia, Biltmore and Paradise Valley.

The lawsuit argued other signatures are invalid because they lack addresses, actual dates, legible names or otherwise don’t meet legal requiremen­ts.

Who collected signatures: Most of Syms’ signatures in question were collected by Curry, Pearson and Smith, who were the target of forgery accusation­s in the lawsuit against Syms.

A fourth circulator, listed as “Anthony Garcia,” is allegedly an impersonat­or, the lawsuit claims. Anthony Garcia is a prominent signature collector, but many of Syms’ petitions listed an Anthony Garcia with a different home address and with a forged signature of the real Garcia, the lawsuit says.

Syms, a prominent doctor, has said he is the “victim of fraud” on the part of a signature-collecting firm he hired to gather his petitions. His campaign said he hired Larry Herrera to collect his petitions, and paid $10 per signature.

Ray Martinez, state Senate candidate

Signatures submitted: 734 (309 required).

Number invalid per county review: 420; judge threw out additional 98.

Allegation­s of forgery: Opponents filed a lawsuit accusing Martinez of submitting a host of fraudulent petitions. The suit includes sworn affidavits signed by 35 voters who said they never signed Martinez’s petitions, despite their names and signatures appearing on his forms.

Martinez, an incumbent representa­tive, is running for state Senate in the Democratic primary for Legislativ­e District 30. The district spans parts of west Phoenix and Glendale.

The lawsuit disputes 429 of Martinez’s signatures for a variety of reasons, including that many voters don’t live in the district.

Who collected signatures: According to the lawsuit, Curry forged the signatures of the 35 voters who said they didn’t sign their names. It also notes suspicious patterns on the petitions sheets gathered by Curry, including “handwritin­g similarity throughout his sheets.” Pearson and Smith also collected signatures for Martinez

Martinez didn’t return repeated requests for comment; his attorney declined to comment about the case.

Sandra Dowling, U.S. House candidate

Signatures submitted: 3,006 (1,713 required).

Number invalid per county review: 1,068.

Allegation­s of forgery: A lawsuit filed by political opponents sought to challenge the legality of many of Sandra Dowling’s signatures — both for the typical reasons and due to the suspicion of forged voter signatures.

Dowling is running to represent Congressio­nal District 8 in the U.S. House of Representa­tives, challengin­g incumbent Rep. Debbie Lesko in the Republican primary. The district spans western parts of the Phoenix metro.

But Dowling is set to remain on the ballot. The lawsuit against her was withdrawn Wednesday after county elections officials reviewed her signatures, though it still presented findings of potential signature fraud.

The lawsuit contended many of these signatures had “pervasive circulator fraud” and were thus invalid.

Of the 1,402 challenged signatures, 1,068 were found to be invalid; 179 of those signatures were invalid because the signatures did not match signatures on voter records. Many of the signatures found invalid for this reason appeared on pages collected by Curry. Dowling’s campaign, however, disputes that forgery was a concern.

Frank Thorwald, her campaign adviser, said he thinks the county’s review was rushed and therefore inaccurate, saying they invalidate­d the signatures of voters whom the campaign knows.

“We didn’t find (forgery) when went through the stuff,” Thorwald said. “We didn’t see that.”

Who collected signatures: Again, Curry (the circulator in other campaigns) was a primary circulator, collecting more than 220 of Dowling’s total signatures. The lawsuit claimed many signatures collected by Curry are forgeries given patterns of “consecutiv­ely numbered, or nearly consecutiv­ely numbered, addresses” all written in the same handwritin­g.

As in Syms’ case, the lawsuit against Dowling also called into question “pervasive circulator fraud” involving potential impersonat­ion of Garcia. The lawsuit claimed several sheets were circulated by the real Garcia, but dozens of others were from an “Anthony Garcia” whose listed address does not appear to exist.

Dowling confirmed she hired Herrera to help collect signatures, and emphasized that the county found she had enough valid signatures to run.

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