The Arizona Republic

Ducey outdistanc­es challenger­s in cash for governor’s race

- Richard Ruelas

Gov. Doug Ducey continued to vastly outraise the contenders for his job, according to the latest round of campaign funding reports.

The reports also showed that Ducey’s only competitor in the Republican primary was well short of the number of $5 contributi­ons needed to qualify for public funding.

On the Democratic side, Tucson state Sen. Steve Farley continues to win the fundraisin­g race.

He raised more money than his competitor­s during the reporting period, which spanned April through June, and has about double the amount of cash on hand of his nearest competitor.

The deadline to file the reports was Monday evening. There is one more campaign filing period before the Aug. 28 primary.

Ducey raised about $750,000 during the reporting period, adding to the financial advantage he enjoys over the opponents for his seat. Ducey reported having $3.5 million on hand at the end of the June 30 reporting period.

Ducey also reported raising $36,200 in contributi­ons from a mix of corporate and cause-related political action committees, including $2,500 from the National Rifle Associatio­n’s Political Victory Fund.

Ducey’s report showed a sprinkling of out-of-state contributi­ons. Some were from his home state of Ohio. Others were from Florida, New Hampshire, Connecticu­t, Tennessee, Illinois and California.

The out-of-state haul for Ducey included $25,500 from members of the DeVos family, heirs to the founder of the mail-order company Amway. Betsy DeVos is President Trump’s secretary of Education.

Ken Bennett, the former state Senate president and secretary of state who is aiming to oppose Ducey in the GOP primary, reported raising $5,650 in contributi­ons that would qualify him for public funding. That is short of the $20,000 required by the Clean Elections program.

Bennett has until Aug. 21 to raise the additional contributi­ons to qualify for the funds, which would provide him $839,704 for the Aug. 28 primary against Ducey.

Bennett also reported raising $8,170 in individual contributi­ons. Those monies, considered early contributi­ons under the program, must be spent by Aug. 21.

Bennett also loaned his $30,500, his report showed.

Bennett spent $36,113, leaving him with $8,206 in cash on hand, according to his report.

On the Democratic side, State Sen. Steve Farley continued to outraise competitor­s Kelly Fryer and David Garcia.

Farley reported raising $340,374 during the period, bringing him over the $1 million mark raised by his campaign since it began last year.

The Farley campaign spent $258,809 during the period, ending with $490,574 in cash.

Garcia reported raising $302,452 from April through June. He spent $241,599 during the period. He reported having a cash balance of $246,359 remaining.

A Garcia fundraiser at the home of San Francisco billionair­e Tom Steyer in June did not appear to bring in many donors.

Steyer has funded a series of television ads calling for the impeachmen­t of Trump, and also is funding a ballot initiative in Arizona that would require utilities to get more of their energy from renewable sources, like solar.

Garcia’s report showed a total of $525 in contributi­ons from Bay Area addresses on the date of that fundraiser, most of which came in the form of a single $500 donation.

During the next week, the campaign reported three $5,100 contributi­ons. One came from the president of the Palo Alto-non-profit, Emerson Collective; the other two were from an investor and an attorney, both based in San Francisco.

Kelly Fryer reported raising $47,477 in cash from April through June. The campaign spent $55,011 and ended the period with $40,884 on hand. campaign

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