The Arizona Republic

Woman doesn’t feel a priority

- Girlfriend – Faithful But Frustrated – Taking Care Of Dad

Dear Abby: I am in a long-distance relationsh­ip. I live in Kansas; he’s in Michigan. Because we are 720 miles apart, phone calls, text messages and Skype are vital to the health of our relationsh­ip. I make it a priority to text or call “Good morning” or “Goodnight.” Unlike me, sometimes he’s consistent and sometimes not, especially on weekends. He says he falls asleep, but it continues to happen, and I’m getting tired and frustrated about not being a priority.

I have been as patient and nice as I can be, as well as continuing to tell him how much I love him and want our relationsh­ip to work. I would love to hear your advice.

Dear Girlfriend: I know you love this man, but take a step back. You may be smothering him. Stop doing all the work in maintainin­g the romance and give him some space. If you do, he may realize he needs to step up and devote more energy to your relationsh­ip. Communicat­ion has to be voluntary, not mandatory.

Dear Abby: My father is nearing the end of his life. I’m an only child with no family nearby. When my mother passed away, many people reached out to me, and I know their intent was to comfort me. However, most of the time I ended up comforting them! I would try to escape by saying things like I had a task to take care of, but when people are crying hysterical­ly on the phone or in my kitchen, they don’t seem to hear. How can I politely tell people like this that I’m not their therapist, and they are not comforting me?

Dear Taking Care: All you need to say is you can’t talk right now, and you will call them back later. Period. Then hang up. If someone is having an emotional meltdown in your kitchen, you have the right to tell the person you can’t deal with it right now, you’ll visit “another time,” and guide them to the door.

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