The Arizona Republic

Montgomery sent wrong message with political rant

- EJ Montini Columnist Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK Friendly media reminder: official Twitter for County Attorney is @marcoattor­ney @Veritas_ad_res is my personal account These people can yell all they want to. Doesn’t matter. I believe Judge Kavana

Last Friday, Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery filed a cryptic little tweet saying:

Why was such a reminder necessary?

Because Montgomery was trying to separate the prosecutor’s office he runs with some of his personal statements about the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Particular­ly since some people might view his comments as being harshly dismissive of the accusation­s against Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford.

For, example, Montgomery retweeted a ranting tweet by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham that reads:

Montgomery not only retweeted Graham’s rant, but also tossed in some ugly, dismissive language of his own, tweeting: Don’t get me wrong.

As a private citizen, Bill Montgomery has every right to express his opinions on the news of the day.

If he wants to rant about foreign policy or the September slump of the Arizona Diamondbac­ks or the best place in Phoenix to get Neapolitan pizza, more power to him.

But this is a little different. Montgomery may be tweeting on his personal account, but he is still well-known as the Maricopa County Attorney.

As such, he is the person ultimately responsibl­e for prosecutin­g sexual predators and providing a sense of justice and comfort to the victims of those crimes.

Speaking so callously and dismissive­ly of Ford’s appearance at the hearing isn’t exactly sending a message of comfort and support of potential victims in Maricopa County.

Particular­ly since we know that his remarks were made at a time when no law-enforcemen­t agency had done a serious investigat­ion into Ford’s claims.

Also, how helpful is it to call the Democrats who were showing the most empathy for Ford a “pack of hyenas?” It’s making presumptio­ns about individual­s who, at the very least, are giving an accuser the ability to state her case in a safe environmen­t.

Isn’t that also what Montgomery’s office is supposed to do?

Montgomery answered those who criticized him on Twitter, some of whom questioned his ability to do an unbiased job, by saying:

“You confuse my observatio­n of the process with responsibi­lity for the process.”

Montgomery also told his critics that he doesn’t play politics when it comes to prosecutio­ns, saying:

“I’ve never seen a criminal check a victim’s voter registrati­on before victimizin­g them. We don’t check, either. As for defendants, their registrati­on is neither a mitigating nor aggravatin­g factor. Truth has no party and justice is about right and wrong not right or left, D or R.”

If that’s true, why refer to a group of Ds “hyenas?”

And why be dismissive of a potential victim when the accused is a highpowere­d R?

The comments Montgomery made don’t come across as his “observatio­n of the process.”

They come across as partisan, political zealotry.

That’s perfectly fine in a private citizen.

Not so great in a county attorney.

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