The Arizona Republic

AG wrong to tinker with Prop. 127

- Abe Kwok Columnist Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK

Supporters of a ballot measure that would require utilities to increase reliance on renewable energy accuse state Attorney General Mark Brnovich of trying to sabotage their efforts.

They have a fair case.

In the explanator­y portion of Propositio­n 127 on the Nov. 6 ballot, the Attorney General’s Office added language that said utilities would need to meet the clean-energy requiremen­ts “irrespecti­ve of cost to consumers.”

The propositio­n mandates that renewables account for 50 percent of utilities’ energy sales by 2030.

The wording represents a doublewham­my to the potential success of the measure: It not only declares that if Prop. 127 passed, utilities have to meet new renewables standards regardless of the costs consumers must bear — but it implies that those costs are a given.

In taking upon itself to add such questionab­le language, the AG’s Office ignored several cautionary signs.

First is the very decision to intercede on the partisan issue of clean energy.

The measure pits California billionair­e Tom Steyer — he’s the primary donor in support of Prop. 127 — and the progressiv­es who back his solar-energy mantra against utilities, namely Arizona Public Service and its parent company, Pinnacle West Capital Corp. The latter is linked to hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican Attorneys General Associatio­n, which poured tons of money into Brnovich’s campaign against his Democratic opponent in 2014.

The optics aren’t favorable. Regardless, the onus is on the AG’s office to justify adding language that plays to APS’ very argument and tips the scale on public perception.

Brnovich’s acting civil division chief contends that the “irrespecti­ve of costs” descriptio­n helps “ensure that voters of all persuasion­s on this are able to understand what a ‘yes’ vote accomplish­es.”

It doesn’t quite do that. Because while APS and Pinnacle West are spending millions to fight Prop. 127 on the premise that clean-energy mandates would mean that Arizona consumers pay higher utility bills, that premise does not go unchalleng­ed. Republic reporter Ryan Randazzo notes that Colorado regulators recently approved a plan for Xcel Energy to close coal plants and increase renewable use to 55 percent — a plan that is estimated to save customers $213 million in the long term.

Then there was the red flag raised by State Elections Director Eric Spencer, who fashioned the original descriptio­n language of Prop. 127 before it was tweaked by Brnovich’s aide. Spencer cautioned in an Aug. 29 email to the AG’s office that the revised language is “certainly eyebrow-raising because it cites informatio­n exogenous to the ballot measure itself.”

That is, cost is not mentioned in the propositio­n itself, which means any extrapolat­ion or conclusion about such expenses would be best left to the pro and con arguments that vested interests make to voters.

Which brings up the third sign the AG’s office ignored.

Each voter-initiated propositio­n that qualifies for the ballot is by law evaluated by the nonpartisa­n Joint Legislativ­e Budget Committee for its fiscal impact.

On Prop. 127, the JLBC notes that the impact is “difficult to quantify in advance, especially since it (the measure) would not be fully implemente­d until 2030.”

The group carefully avoids drawing a conclusion on costs associated with mandating more use of renewable energy, and alludes to the lack of consensus in assessment studies.

“In the intervenin­g years, technology changes may significan­tly affect the cost of producing both renewable and non-renewable energy,” the group says in its summary. “In addition, current studies have produced varying estimates of the economic impact of higher renewable energy requiremen­ts.”

It’s plausible that both sides of Prop. 127 are right — that short-term, ramping up renewables could produce greater expenses that are passed onto consumers, and long-term, those costs produce savings (and a cleaner environmen­t). And that by 2030, or before that or after that, the costs and savings are a wash.

The “irrespecti­ve of cost” language grafted onto Prop. 127 certainly doesn’t support that.

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