The Arizona Republic

Blowhard wears out his hosts

- Weary Out West – – In A Bind

Dear Abby: My best friend of 40 years and her boyfriend live several states away from my husband and me. Every winter she and her friend expect to come to our home for a week. We simply can no longer do this.

Her friend is a nice guy, but after a few days we can hardly stand it. He talks constantly and knows everything about everything. How can I politely tell my friend that we can’t accommodat­e them anymore without hurting her feelings and maybe ending our friendship?

Dear Weary: Try this. When your old friend mentions coming to visit, tell her you aren’t up to having houseguest­s. If she asks why, and she probably will, say you’re not as young as you used to be – it’s true.

Dear Abby: I recently received an invitation to a dear friend’s grandson’s 5th birthday party. In lieu of gifts, donations were requested to a choice of politicall­y affiliated “charitable” organizati­ons. I cannot, in good conscience, support any of them.

What’s the appropriat­e course of action here?

Dear In A Bind: What a shame that a child’s party was used as an excuse for a political fundraiser. I can’t imagine any 5-year-old being “thrilled” to receive a political donation as a birthday gift.

However, because the child is the grandson of a “dear” friend, I do think a gift is in order. Make it something a 5year-old will enjoy, have it delivered, and find an excuse not to attend if you feel it will devolve into something you prefer to avoid. Hurt feelings or not, you are not obligated to go to the party.

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