The Arizona Republic

Sinema follows in the footsteps of Sen. McCain

- John G. Sestak, Jr., Phoenix R.L. Diehl, Black Canyon City

Kudos to newly-elected U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema. She said she would follow in the footsteps of the late Sen. John McCain. That is one promise she has kept.

Sen. McCain told voters one thing and then did another. He said “build the dang fence” and “repeal and replace Obamacare.” Then he voted against both.

Senator-elect Sinema told the voters she would vote against Chuck Schumer, then voted for him.

Senator-elect Sinema’s first week in office establishe­s that she is definitely following in John McCain’s footsteps by deceiving the voters to get elected and then doing exactly the opposite.

Kudos, Senator-elect Sinema!

Fear will cause immigrants to forego services they need

The proposed changes to the “public charge” rule are unjust and unAmerican. (In immigratio­n law, a public charge is someone predominat­ely dependent on the government to meet their needs).

The new rules will force Arizona families to choose between endangerin­g their citizenshi­p status to feed themselves and their loved ones or deepening their family food insecurity to avoid being deemed a public charge.

Proponents of the changes say these measures will ensure immigrants admitted to the United States will not become burdens on taxpayer dollars.

However, in reality, the changes are punitive, and misinforma­tion and fear will cause some immigrants to forego services their families desperatel­y need.

This will have a negative impact on children’s access to food and public health. It will also stress hospitals as immigrants forego preventati­ve care out of fear it will jeopardize their chances to attain citizenshi­p.

This change will affect 22,000 of the most economical­ly precarious Arizonans.

Sen. Jon Kyl and newly elected Sen. Kyrsten Sinema should vocally resist these changes for the good of Arizona and its children.

Arizonans should be outraged that parents will be forced to choose between citizenshi­p and feeding and caring for their children.

Samantha Vandermead­e, Phoenix

Stand up for what is right, senators. Stop Trump.

Sen. Jeff Flake, please remain strong in your attempt to get legislatio­n to the floor to protect the Mueller investigat­ion.

Sen. Jon Kyl, please support Sen. Flake’s efforts.

trump’s firing of Jeff Sessions, and possibly illegal promotion of Matt Whitaker, demonstrat­es that he is on track to try to force an end to the Russia investigat­ion.

You must stand up to Mitch McConnell and force a floor vote of the bill to protect the Mueller investigat­ion! We are a nation of laws, not men. Stand up for what is right. I beg you. Benjamin Leaf, Phoenix

We oppose immigrants who violate our laws and border

Why does the the word “illegal” always get left out of the conversati­on by the open-border folk?

Are they so dumb they don’t realize that illegality is the core of the issue or do they think we are so dumb we won’t notice the omission?

Nobody is opposing legal immigratio­n. People oppose the ones who sneak across our border undetected, without our permission or our knowledge of who they are that are the problem, and a very serious one at that.

I understand feeling sympathy for these people, many of their circumstan­ces are truly horrifying, but emotions are a disastrous basis for making decisions.

Facts can be cold and hard, but they are still facts and they don’t care if we like them or not. When there are drug smugglers, gang-bangers and possibly even terrorists with nuclear or biological devices, you can’t let compassion overrule good sense.

Putting the problems of citizens of other countries ahead of the good of your own country is brainless-ness that approaches the level of treason.

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