The Arizona Republic

Nearly 8% of kids lack health insurance in state

Georgetown study says state ranks among worst

- Stephanie Innes

Arizona has made improvemen­ts in reducing its rate of uninsured children but still ranked worse than most other states in 2017, according to a new report from Georgetown University.

Arizona has made improvemen­ts in reducing its rate of uninsured children but still ranked worse than most other states in 2017, a new report from Georgetown University said.

The report, released Thursday, identified Arizona as one of 12 states with “significan­tly higher” rates of uninsured children — 7.7 percent — than the 2017 national average of 5 percent.

The rate is important, child advocates say, because kids need health care to succeed.

The eighth annual report said 133,000 children 18 and younger in Arizona did not have health insurance in 2017, up from 132,000 the previous year.

Both Latino and American Indian children fared worse than the average, with 15.2 percent of American Indian and nearly 10 percent of Latino children in Arizona going uninsured last year.

“We have a huge opportunit­y with American Indian kids. Resources and health education doesn’t always make it out to our tribal lands,” said Siman Qaasim, health policy director for the Phoenix-based Children’s Action Alliance.

Qaasim noted the lag in data in the report, which relies on 2017 numbers.

Gains Arizona made from opening up enrollment in its KidsCare government health insurance program for children from low-income, working families in late 2016 have continued with increases into 2018, which would not be reflected in the report’s numbers, she said.

“KidsCare is really the bright spot in our data,” she said.

Still, there is confusion among some Arizona families about signing up for health coverage, she said. The number of kids enrolled in coverage through Arizona’s Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare”) marketplac­e plans declined, for example, Qaasim said.

Arizona is not too different from the

rest of the country when it comes to what’s happening with children’s health coverage, she said.

The Georgetown report said a “constellat­ion of national trends has likely created an ‘unwelcome mat’ effect where families are unaware of their options or deterred from seeking coverage.”

The number and rate of children without health insurance increased nationally after hitting a historic low of 4.7 percent in 2016. Nationwide, the number of uninsured children in 2017 was 3.9 million — an increase of 276,000 uninsured children over 2016.

That increase may not look big, but the uptick was unpreceden­ted, said report author Joan Alker, who is executive director of Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families, pointing to nearly a decade of data showing the rate either stayed the same or went down.

She called the numbers a “stark warning” that the nation’s progress in covering children is at risk.

“With an improving economy and a very low unemployme­nt rate, the fact that our nation is going backwards on children’s health coverage is very troubling,” she said. “Without serious efforts to get back on track, the decline in coverage is likely to continue in 2018 and may, in fact, get worse for America’s children.”

What’s particular­ly troubling about the national numbers is that the increases occurred at a time of economic strength, Alker said.

Having health insurance is important for children because it improves their access to needed preventive and primary care, such as well-child visits, immunizati­ons and prescripti­on drugs.

Insured children are also less likely to miss school and are more likely to have better economic and educationa­l outcomes, Alker said.

The report ranked Arizona’s rate of uninsured children as the sixth-worst in the country behind Texas, Alaska, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Nevada.

One in every five uninsured children in the U.S. lives in Texas, which has the highest rate of uninsured children in the country, the report said — a fact blamed in part on its failure to expand its Medicaid program, something that Arizona did in 2014.

And Arizona in late 2016 took a major positive step in reducing its rate of uninsured children when it unfroze enrollment in KidsCare, which is Arizona’s version of the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP, Qaasim said.

CHIP was created in 1997 with bipartisan support during President Bill Clinton’s administra­tion at a time when the rate of uninsured children in the country was 14 percent. After CHIP passed, the rate of uninsured children declined significan­tly.

Enrollment in KidsCare was only 549 in July 2016 when the state opened up enrollment in the program after a sixyear freeze. During the freeze, Arizona was the only state without an active CHIP program.

In 2013, for example, Arizona was the third-worst state in the country for its rate of uninsured children, which at the time was 11.9 percent, the Georgetown report for that year said.

Enrollment in KidsCare has since climbed to 31,905, the most recent state data shows.

“We need to keep KidsCare. We are fortunate it is going strong and we have to keep that trend and keep KidsCare around,” Qaasim said,

For many years, the rate of uninsured children has been declining in the United States, thanks to bipartisan efforts to expand Medicaid and through CHIP, Alker said.

Medicaid is a government insurance program for low-income people. For example, a family of four would need to have an annual income of $34,638 or less to qualify in Arizona. Arizona’s program is called the Arizona Health Care Cost Containmen­t System (AHCCCS).

AHCCCS administer­s the KidsCare program, which is for children whose parents make too much to qualify for AHCCCS, but often not enough to pay for private insurance, including insurance available on the marketplac­e created by the Affordable Care Act.

The report notes that a majority of uninsured children are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP but are not currently enrolled. That could mean families aren’t getting the message that they can enroll, that they are confused about their eligibilit­y, or that they are afraid of enrolling.

Alker said families in 2017 were exposed to constant news about President Donald Trump and Congress wanting to “take coverage away” with attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and make drastic cuts to Medicaid.

In addition, there was news in 2017 about the expiration of federal funding for CHIP, which was not extended until early 2018, and the Trump administra­tion cutting back on funding to market Affordable Care Act health insurance plans, she said.

At the same time, Alker noted, the Trump administra­tion began a series of actions hostile to immigrant families.

“One-quarter of citizen children living in the U.S. has a parent who is an immigrant,” she said. “For these mixedstatu­s families, there is likely a heightened fear of interactin­g with the government, and this may be deterring them from signing their eligible children up for government-sponsored health care.”

Alker said the uninsured rate for Hispanic children could increase due to proposed Trump administra­tion changes to the public charge rule that would allow the government to penalize immigrants who use taxpayer-funded programs such as AHCCCS and subsidized housing.

The proposal has already resulted in fewer vulnerable Arizona immigrant families seeking out help with health even if the rule wouldn’t apply to them, members of the Arizona Basic Needs Coalition said earlier this month, explaining that incorrect informatio­n and rumors circulatin­g about the proposal are having a serious chilling effect.

“We would expect in 2018, as the climate of intimidati­on of immigrant families continues, that we might see a worse outcome for Hispanic kids, who already have a high uninsured rate,” Alker said.

The uninsured rate for American Indian/Alaska Native kids nationally was 12.6 percent and even higher in Arizona at 15.2 percent, data from the Children’s Action Alliance shows.

Both Qaasim and Alker said there is confusion among some American Indian families about Indian Health Service, IHS, and what it covers.

IHS is not counted as a source of insurance by the U.S. Census, which is what Georgetown uses for its report, Alker said. In other words, children in American Indian families who rely solely on IHS for health care would be counted as uninsured.

“IHS is not a health-insurance program, it is a provider,” Alker said.

Tribal leaders in Arizona will be meeting about the data and talking about how to improve coverage among American Indian children, said Kim Russell, who is executive director of the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care.

Russell was skeptical of the U.S. Census’ American Community Survey data collection method and how it asked the questions. Yet she said more education about health insurance is needed among tribal members in Arizona.

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