The Arizona Republic

Lawyer Cohen’s lies hid Trump’s ties to Russia

President calls his longtime fixer ‘a weak person’

- Kevin Johnson and Bart Jansen

WASHINGTON – Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller offered the most compelling case yet of President Donald Trump’s ties with Russia and the efforts to conceal them when former Trump fixer Michael Cohen acknowledg­ed Thursday that he lied to Congress about the president’s interest in a Moscow developmen­t project. Across nine pages of detailed court documents, Mueller’s team countered Trump’s oft-repeated claims that he had no business interests in Russia. Cohen not only lied when he told the Senate and House Intelligen­ce Committees that all discussion­s about a Trump Tower developmen­t in Moscow had ceased in January 2016, federal prosecutor­s said, but sought to hide efforts to push the project to advance Trump’s political prospects during the contentiou­s

2016 campaign and limit his possible legal jeopardy.

“Cohen made the false statement to minimize links between the Moscow project and (Trump) and give the false impression that the Moscow project ended before the Iowa caucus and the very first primary in hopes of limiting the ongoing Russia investigat­ions,” Mueller’s team said in court documents Thursday.

The criminal complaint made public Thursday meticulous­ly separates truth from the fiction Cohen spun for congressio­nal investigat­ors in perhaps his final act as loyal Trump fixer before joining Mueller’s team as a crucial cooperatin­g witness.

Cohen’s testimony: The Moscow project ended in January 2016 and was

not discussed extensivel­y with others in the Trump Organizati­on.

Fact: The Moscow project was discussed multiple times within the Trump company and did not end in January 2016.

As late as June 2016 – in the heat of the campaign and as Trump denied any links to Russia – Cohen discussed efforts to obtain Russian approval and briefed Trump and his family members about the project.

Cohen’s testimony: Cohen never agreed to travel to Russia in connection with the Moscow project and never considered asking Trump to travel for the project.

Fact: Cohen agreed to travel to Russia in connection with the Moscow project and took steps in contemplat­ion of Trump’s possible travel to Moscow.

In an email exchange May 4, 2016, with a Trump Organizati­on official, according to court documents, Cohen discussed making a trip before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Cohen’s testimony: Cohen did not recall any Russian government response or contact about the Moscow project.

Fact: In January 2016, an aide to Russia President Vladimir Putin responded to Cohen’s request for assistance with the project. In a 20-minute telephone call with an assistant to Putin’s spokespers­on, Cohen “requested assistance in moving the project forward, both in securing the land to build the proposed tower and financing constructi­on.”

“(The assistant) asked detailed questions and took notes, stating that she would follow up with others in Russia,” prosecutor­s claimed.

The disclosure of Cohen’s false statements, delivered to the congressio­nal committees investigat­ing Russia’s interferen­ce, took official Washington by surprise Thursday as the president prepared to leave for the G-20 summit in Argentina and a planned, then abruptly canceled, meeting with Putin.

Peppered with questions about Cohen’s plea deal, which includes an agreement to cooperate with Mueller,

Trump repeatedly called his former personal attorney a “liar” and dismissed the Russia project as a wellknown – though failed – enterprise.

“He’s a weak person,” Trump said of Cohen. “Even if he was right, it doesn’t matter. I was running my business . ... I wasn’t trying to hide anything.”

Despite the disclosure­s, Trump said before departing Washington that he still intended to meet with Putin, then he canceled the meeting scheduled for Saturday in midflight, blaming clashes between Russia and Ukraine.

Democrats pounced on the documents, promising reinvigora­ted investigat­ions of Trump’s Russia dealings when they take over leadership of the House of Representa­tives.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who is poised to become chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, said the plea revealed that Cohen and Trump each gave false or misleading statements about the president’s real estate interests in Russia.

“All these developmen­ts make clear the counterint­elligence imperative for the House Intelligen­ce Committee, in the new Congress, to continue to probe the Trump Organizati­on’s financial links to Russia and determine whether the Russians sought financial leverage over Trump and his associates, or hold any such leverage today,” Schiff said.

“The significan­ce of Cohen’s plea is motive. Not Cohen’s motive but Trump’s motive for deferring to Russia over and over again,” said Jens David Ohlin, vice dean of Cornell Law School. “The motive is money and business deals.”

Cohen’s guilty plea came amid a flurry of activity. On Monday, Mueller voided a plea deal with Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, for lying repeatedly to investigat­ors. Manafort has a hearing Friday to get a possible sentencing date for charges of conspiracy and obstructio­n of justice for representi­ng a pro-Russia faction in Ukraine.

Cohen faced a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for lying to Congress, but the plea agreement called for a sentence up to six months and a fine up to $9,500.

Lanny Davis, an attorney for Cohen, tweeted Thursday that the plea illustrate­d that Mueller thought Cohen was telling the truth and that Cohen would continue cooperatin­g with Mueller.

“The significan­ce of Cohen’s plea is motive . ... Trump’s motive for deferring to Russia over and over again.” Jens David Ohlin

Vice dean of Cornell Law School

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER/AP ?? Michael Cohen faces up to six months in prison under a plea agreement.
MARY ALTAFFER/AP Michael Cohen faces up to six months in prison under a plea agreement.

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