The Arizona Republic

Governor’s plans for education fall short

- Laurie Roberts

Arizona’s public schools are still $700 million short of where they were before the Great Recession.

So naturally, Gov. Doug Ducey on Monday announced plans to add $538 million to the state’s $462 million rainy day fund, far more than the state law even allows.

This, to ensure that money is there to educate tomorrow’s students. As for today’s students?

Well, last year’s re-election campaign — education, education, education — is clearly over.

Ducey, in his State of the State address, committed to funding for the second half of last year’s promised 20 percent teacher pay raises. Beyond that, however, his plans for improving school funding rated only a vague note that “more is needed ... a focus on results, resources and reforms.”

Never mind that even members of his own party are beginning to call for a tax increase for the underfunde­d schools. Among them, Senate President Karen Fann, Sen. Kate Brophy McGee and even the staunchly conservati­ve chairwoman of the Senate Education Committee, Sylvia Allen.

Given that the state formula allocates $336 less to educate a student today than it did in 2008, once inflation is factored in, more is needed.

I would have hoped that Ducey, blessed with a $1 billion budget surplus, would have laid out his plan to supply it ... before today’s third-graders graduate.

Especially given that it’ll take a change in law to squirrel away that much money. Currently, the rainy-day fund has $462 million, representi­ng 4.5 percent of general-fund revenue. State law limits the fund to 7 percent.

I can certainly see adding some money to the rainy day fund. But to overstuff it at a time when today’s students are being shortchang­ed? That’s just not right.

It’ll take either a tax referendum by the Legislatur­e or an initiative by the teachers to try to at long last restore the full funding to the public schools.

The education governor signaled Monday that he isn’t willing to do what it’ll take to make the schools whole again.

Overall, Ducey’s speech kicking off his second term was strictly smallball, lacking any bold vision or sweeping ideas beyond his usual pledge to attack government regulation, streamline state agencies and oh yeah, he’s buying back of the state Capitol and other buildings sold off during the recession. He’ll keep the trains running, but don’t look for this governor to lay new tracks into the future.

Still, there were welcome moments in Ducey’s plan for the coming year:

His call to do away with legislativ­e immunity should sail through the Legislatur­e. Who among our leaders

wants to fight for the privilege to stand after watching video of now-ex-Rep. Paul Mosley claim he was above the law when stopped for speeding?

The governor’s call to reform charter schools — curiously without ever actually mentioning that he was talking about charter schools — is overdue. Charter operators have long used loose laws and public funds to boost their bottom lines rather than their students’ grades and Republican leaders, in the name of “choice,” have let it happen.

Ducey also plans to bring back his school safety plan — including a proposal that would allow schools, psychiatri­sts and others to petition judges to temporaril­y seize weapons from anyone who poses a threat until they undergo a mental exam.

I thought it was a pretty good idea last year — certainly better than nothing, which is what we got after Columbine, after Sandy Hook, after Marjory Stoneman Douglas and after Santa Fe High School.

Still, I don’t see Ducey’s school safety plan going anywhere unless he’s ready to break some arms. Republican­s last year said he went too far, stripping people of their Second Amendment rights. Democrats said he didn’t go far enough, doing nothing to close the loophole that allows the private sale of guns without a federal background check.

And so we got the usual when it comes to doing something about guns. Nothing, that is.

Overall, I’d give Ducey a solid C-minus on his plans for the year. Sort of like the performanc­e of the schools that should be, but apparently no longer are, No. 1 on his to-do list.

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