The Arizona Republic

Bedrock City closes, Raptor Ranch is set to replace it


Bedrock City, an Arizona roadside attraction based on the 1960s animated series “The Flintstone­s,” has shut its doors after nearly 50 years. In its place will rise Raptor Ranch, where birds of prey will be on display in between performanc­es.

Troy Morris bought the property on State Route 64 in Valle, about 25 miles south of the Grand Canyon. He said the ranch, his dream for nearly 15 years, may be up and flying by the 2020 tourist season.

First, Morris said, he and partner Ron Brown will focus on renovating the 30acre property’s RV park, diner and gift shop, hoping to open them within a few months to take advantage of this summer’s travel season.

Morris said Bedrock City was the ideal location for the raptor attraction because thousands of motorists pass by the property each day.

“This was the area we’d always been looking at,” Morris, a falconer and raptor breeder, said. “I’m thrilled things are working out.”

Morris envisions a park where visi-

tors will wander among habitats featuring eagles, falcons, hawks and other birds of prey. The highlight, he said, would be daily shows featuring the birds’ hunting prowess.

The end of Bedrock City

But first Bedrock City must go, and that includes the Flintstone­s and the Rubbles, the rock stars of the pun-filled prehistori­c park.

Bedrock City was most known for its pastelhued buildings seemingly built of carved blocks of stone. Since it opened in the 1970s, generation­s of children have taken seats inside the Bedrock schoolhous­e, pretended to be locked up in the Bedrock jail and watched the cartoon on an unending loop in the Bedrock theater.

The highlight was sliding down the tail of a brontosaur­us long before scientists declared there really was no such dinosaur. Those same scientists would argue Stone Age people didn’t live in slab houses or drive foot-powered cars, but the countless families who spend countless hours in Bedrock wouldn’t care.

Bedrock’s place in Arizona history

Bedrock City will remain a page out of Arizona history. It dates back to what now seems like a prehistori­c time when families would pile into the station wagon drive cross-country to see the sights.

Contractor Francis Speckels was asked to build a park similar to the successful Bedrock City in Custer, S.D., a town about 30 minutes from Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

The plan for the Speckels family was to move on as soon as the Arizona park was finished, Francis’ wife Linda told the in 2015, when Bedrock first went up for sale.

“The economy wasn’t doing well at the time, and the company was having a hard time finding someone to run the park,” Speckels said. “My husband stepped up, as he often did.”

The couple wound up raising five daughters in the park. Linda Speckels carried on at Bedrock after her husband died more than 25 years ago. In 2015 she decided it was time to retire.

New owner Morris is well aware of people’s fondness for Bedrock City. That’s why visitors will still be able to slide down the brontosaur­us. He also purchased the statues of the saber-tooth cat and woolly mammoth, planning to use them as centerpiec­es in a children’s playground.

“I understand people’s emotional attachment, but it’s time in a business sense for something new,” Morris said. “But we’re definitely going to keep a little piece of Bedrock.”

 ??  ?? Clockwise from top: Turquoise is the state gem. The two-tailed swallowtai­l is the state butterfly. The ringtail is the state animal. The cactus wren is the state bird. The Apache trout is the state fish. Arizona's official state flower is the cactus blossom.
Clockwise from top: Turquoise is the state gem. The two-tailed swallowtai­l is the state butterfly. The ringtail is the state animal. The cactus wren is the state bird. The Apache trout is the state fish. Arizona's official state flower is the cactus blossom.
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 ??  ?? Bedrock City was establishe­d in 1972.
Bedrock City was establishe­d in 1972.
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