The Arizona Republic

America’s very wealthy need to start paying their fair share

- Patricia Abraham, Mesa Pete Cartwright, Phoenix still Sandra Givens, Sun Lakes Ashley Ortiz, Phoenix

The word “socialism” has become something Republican­s consistent­ly put out about Democrats to frighten their base and voters.

If one is really paying attention to how our government works, they will see that we have a form of socialism working very nicely, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, federal highways, bridges, electrical grid, etc.

These are things that benefit everyone, not just a few.

The call for higher taxes for the very wealthy is not socialism; it’s the idea that everyone should pay their fair share and that is what is not happening today.

Corporatio­ns that do business, gain profits and reinvest their profits in the company are not currently paying their fair share for the benefits they reap and neither are the very wealthy.

Congratula­tions to journalist­s for reports on charter schools

Kudos to reporters Craig Harris, Anne Ryman, Alden Woods, Justin Price and editor Michael Squires on receiving recognitio­n for their incredibly important work.

Courage, tenacity and a grounded sense of reality still resides in these intrepid reporters willing to investigat­e and report issues to such a degree.

It was a necessary degree that couldn’t be accomplish­ed by readers but was laid out perfectly by the reporters in an understand­able way.

What a challenge that must been.

Well done to all and thanks for having the public’s back.

We can’t seem to look over our own shoulders, so thanks for doing it for us.

Your work today is as important and as valuable as it’s ever been. have

Join the conversati­on

We want to hear from you. Comment on letters, columns and editorials online or via e-mail.

We can’t wait any longer; Arizona must ratify ERA now

The Equal Rights Amendment or ERA is an idea first proposed in 1923!

And yet, here we are nearly 100 years later and still the U.S. Constituti­on does not guarantee this most basic right to nearly one half of its citizens.

Fast forward to 1972 when the U.S. Senate passed the ERA and sent it to the states for ratificati­on.

Now, nearly 50 years from that attempt to provide legal equality of the sexes and to provide discrimina­tion based on sex and the Constituti­on does not protect women or provide equality.

The current version of the ERA states, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.”

What does it say about us as a state that we continue to deny basic rights to women?

All people of conscience should demand that our representa­tives ratify the ERA now!

Vote for Readler on 6th Circuit is vote against Affordable Care Act

Once again, the Affordable Care Act and health care for Arizonans with preexistin­g conditions are in jeopardy as Republican attacks continue.

Voters may have demanded that lawmakers work to protect and expand access to health care, but it seems U.S. Sen. Martha McSally didn’t listen.

McSally has had a number of opportunit­ies to stand up for Arizona’s health care. President Donald Trump’s extreme anti-health care judicial nominee, Chad Readler, is just one step away from a seat on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

While serving as the principal deputy and acting assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, Readler filed the Trump administra­tion’s brief in Texas v. United States, arguing that because Republican­s repealed the individual mandate as part of their tax scam, the Affordable Care Act is now unconstitu­tional and should be eliminated.

He was nominated same day.

Readler cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party-line vote.

Now all that stands between him and a seat on the Sixth Circuit is a vote before the full Senate.

A vote to confirm him is a vote to repeal the ACA, and take health care away from Arizonans. by Trump the

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