The Arizona Republic

Gillibrand joins presidenti­al race

Democrat hopes to show that ‘brave wins’

- John Bacon CJ GUNTHER/EPA-EFE Contributi­ng: Peter D. Kramer, Rockland/Westcheste­r Journal News

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand made official what already was wellknown on Sunday by formally joining the crowded Democratic field of candidates for president in 2020.

Gillibrand, 52, made the announceme­nt on Twitter and released a 21⁄2-minute campaign video entitled “The Brave,” in which she discusses “The Star-Spangled Banner” and urges Americans to “be brave” and support her and her policies.

Gillibrand talks about universal health care, family leave, an end to gun violence, the Green New Deal and campaign finance changes.

“I’m running for president,” she tweeted. “Let’s prove that brave wins.”

Gillibrand, one of six women now in the Democratic field, launched an explorator­y campaign in January. Recent polling of the field shows her garnering 1 percent or less of the vote – an important number because under party rules she must claim 1percent or more to qualify for primary debates.

“We’re building a campaign that will change who’s at the decision-making table, take on powerful interests and restore moral integrity to the White House,” Gillibrand said. “And we won’t take a cent from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists.”

Gillibrand was to conduct an MSNBC town hall Monday in Michigan. Then she is off to Iowa for two days before heading to Nevada. She plans to deliver her first major speech as a candidate Sunday in New York – “straight to President Trump’s doorstep” in front of Trump Internatio­nal.

Gillibrand, who has made sexual harassment and abuse in the military, colleges and the workplace a priority, has provided a strong voice for the #MeToo movement and was among the first Democrats to call for the resignatio­n of Minnesota Democrat Al Franken amid claims he improperly touched women.

But Gillibrand’s biggest publicity splash as a would-be candidate was controvers­y that flared recently over how she handled a sexual harassment complaint in her office last year.

In July, a former female aide made complaints against a senior male staffer in Gillibrand’s Washington office. A few weeks later the aide resigned claiming the complaint was poorly handled.

She said the allegation­s were investigat­ed in consultati­on with the Senate employment counsel. The investigat­ion found that the behavior, although inappropri­ate, did not meet the standard for sexual harassment, she said.

Additional complaints came to light, however, and the staffer was later dismissed.

 ??  ?? Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., announced her presidenti­al campaign Sunday, but she has not broken the 1 percent support level that would qualify her for party primary debates.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., announced her presidenti­al campaign Sunday, but she has not broken the 1 percent support level that would qualify her for party primary debates.

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