The Arizona Republic

Man’s violence is signal to leave

- – Stuck in Minnesota – Betwixt and Between

Dear Abby: My husband has always had anger issues. Recently, they have progressed from targeting inanimate objects to targeting me.

A few weeks ago, when he got upset, he punched the navigation screen in my car out. Then he proceeded to grab my hair and slammed my head into the car window (it didn’t break, but my head hurt for more than a week).

He apologized later, but I can’t forgive him. Is this behavior a deal breaker?

Dear Stuck: Yes, this is absolutely a deal breaker. Do not minimize what he did to you. I’m sorry you didn’t go to the emergency room after it happened.

Each time your husband attacks will be worse – increasing­ly so – until he maims or kills you. For directions on how to safely make your exit, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline. The toll-free phone number to call is 800-799-7233 or visit and a counselor there will direct you.

Dear Abby: I am a 49-year-old divorcee. A younger man (31) at work is showing an interest in me. Also he is African American. I would like to go out with him, but I’m not sure how my family and friends would react. What do you think?

Dear Betwixt: What are you concerned about? Is it that you would be dating a younger man, one of a different race or that he’s a co-worker? If at this stage of your life you still need approval from friends and family about dating someone you like, it appears you are not ready for a relationsh­ip.

To My Muslim Readers: Eid-al-Fitr, one and all! A happy

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