The Arizona Republic

Democrats should rein in Trump

- Robert Robb Reach Robb at robert.robb@arizona

By emphasizin­g that his investigat­ion had not “exonerated” President Donald Trump about obstructin­g justice, special counsel Robert Mueller inflamed impeachmen­t passions among House Democrats.

The Democrats would do the country a favor if they just went ahead and impeached Trump forthwith. Republican­s in the Senate could fail to convict. And the country could move on. No need to protract a melodrama with an entirely predictabl­e ending.

Democrats believe that Republican­s don’t support ousting Trump strictly because of moral obtuseness or political timidity.

But there are substantiv­e reasons not to find a basis to reverse the public’s vote in 2016 in the Mueller report about obstructio­n of justice.

In the first place, it’s now clear that the investigat­ion shouldn’t have been launched to begin with. There was no need for a special counsel to investigat­e Russian interferen­ce in the election. The need for a special counsel was to investigat­e whether the Trump campaign was in cahoots with the Russians, for which there was insufficie­nt evidence to warrant such an extraordin­ary step.

So, Trump was allegedly obstructin­g an investigat­ion that shouldn’t have been launched and found nothing. That’s pretty mitigating for what it is, at root, a political judgment call.

The Mueller report also lacks context. In reality, the Trump administra­tion cooperated extensivel­y with the investigat­ion, producing documents and submitting voluntaril­y for interviews. That has to be weighed against the isolated incidents of purported interferen­ce cited in the report.

Moreover, the heaviest purported evidence of obstructio­n — the firing of FBI Director James Comey and an alleged attempt to fire Mueller — involve the exercise of core powers of the presidency. He had the legal authority to fire both.

Mueller’s team found that a president could be guilty of a criminal offense even while exercising clear legal authority, if done with impure motives. But that’s far from a consensus legal opinion. Among those believing otherwise is the current attorney general.

Finally, Mueller’s finding of non-exoneratio­n exceeded his writ, raising questions about the impartiali­ty of the report’s narrative on this score. A prosecutor determines whether there are sufficient grounds upon which to charge a crime. Prosecutor­s don’t opine as to whether a metaphysic­al state of innocence adheres to conduct being investigat­ed.

While Democrats were frothing over impeachmen­t, Trump unilateral­ly gave farmers a $12 billion bailout as compensati­on for harm caused by his trade policies. And approved $7 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries. And put in place escalating tariffs on Mexico for failing to put a stop to Central American immigrants reaching the United States.

All of these involve core responsibi­lities the Constituti­on vouchsafes to Congress.

Congressio­nal Democrats, and some Republican­s, grumble that Trump is bypassing Congress. But he is using bypasses that Congress itself has enacted.

Congress gave the Commodity Credit Corporatio­n a $30 billion line of credit that Trump is using for the farm bailout.

It gave the president authority to invoke a national security emergency to exempt arms sales from congressio­nal approval, which Trump did for Saudi Arabia. And Trump used powers granted him by the Internatio­nal Emergency Economic Powers Act to set up the Mexican tariffs.

Trump is highlighti­ng the extent to which Congress has ceded its authority to the presidency. Trump has used other national security or emergency powers to erect his other tariffs and many of his immigratio­n policies.

He has even used his veto power under the War Powers Act to turn Congress’ authority to declare war on its head. Instead of a majority of Congress being required to initiate military action, it now takes a two-thirds vote of Congress to stop one.

If, instead of impeachmen­t, Democrats sought to rein in Trump by restoring congressio­nal authority in areas in which the Constituti­on gives Congress clear responsibi­lity, it would attract some bipartisan support. Some Republican­s have already sponsored bills curtailing the president’s authority to bypass Congress in establishi­ng tariffs in the name of national security.

If Congress began curtailing the powers it has granted the president to bypass it on the grounds of an emergency or national security, Trump would undoubtedl­y veto the bills. Whether a twothirds vote to override could be mustered is uncertain.

It would, however, be a much more constructi­ve endeavor than playing out the impeachmen­t melodrama.

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