The Arizona Republic

Republican­s should let Trump own his messes

- Robert Robb Columnist EVAN VUCCI/AP Reach columnist Robert Robb at robert.robb@arizonarep­

Other Republican officehold­ers are stuck with President Donald Trump as titular head of their party. Trump will dominate the image of their party regardless of what they do.

However, they should seek to reduce the extent to which Trump sticks to them personally. To create some sort of distinctio­n between supporting Trump on policy and condoning his behavior in office.

In short, to endeavor to have Trump, and Trump alone, own his messes.

Trump really stepped in it with his tweet against what has inelegantl­y been labeled the “squad”: four very liberal Democratic congresswo­men of color. Namely, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley.

Trump’s tweet was stunningly idiotic, vile and offensive, even by Trumpian standards.

Although, in that tweet, Trump didn’t name the targets of his pummeling, he has subsequent­ly left no doubt that he was referring to the squad. He said that they “originally came from countries whose government­s are a complete and total catastroph­e, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world … .”

He then rhetorical­ly asked: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came … you can’t leave fast enough.”

Of course, only one of the four was born outside this country, Omar. The other three wouldn’t need a passport to visit the place of their birth.

The breathtaki­ng ignorance Trump displayed in his tweet has almost gone without notice. That’s because of the vileness of the “go back” admonition.

For some reason, ethnic slurs have become known as “tropes.” That’s too antiseptic a term.

In any event, “go back to the country you came from” is an ethnic slur, usually directed at Latinos. There is no innocent interpreta­tion of the phrase as Trump used it.

House Democrats passed a resolution condemning Trump’s “racist comments.” All but a handful of Republican­s voted against it.

After a long life of observatio­n, I’ve concluded that hypocrisy is the natural second language of politician­s.

Just a few months ago, congressio­nal Republican­s were demanding a House resolution condemning antisemiti­c “tropes” by Omar. She had stated that American foreign policy favoring Israel was unduly influenced by lobbying and campaign contributi­ons from American Jews. And that they were pushing for allegiance to a foreign country.

House Democrats ultimately crafted a broader resolution condemning bigotry of all kinds, including the sort of tropes in which Omar was traffickin­g with respect to American Jews and Israel. Virtually all Republican­s voted for it. Those who didn’t, including Arizona’s Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar, did so because the condemnati­on wasn’t strong or specific enough with respect to what Omar had said.

I don’t think much of these gesturing resolution­s. But Trump’s trope was more clearly an ethnic slur than Omar’s tropes were antisemiti­c. And they were directed against duly elected members of Congress.

One cannot logically argue that the House should condemn what Omar said and not what Trump tweeted.

All of this is squanderin­g what should be a Republican opportunit­y. Democrats were being cannibaliz­ed by their obsession with identity and grievance politics, until Trump made himself the issue. An object lesson in the inevitable consequenc­es of identity and grievance politics has been, at best, postponed.

Republican­s have difficulty in attracting the support of minority voters. To oversimpli­fy, Democrats say they want to help minorities improve their lives through bigger government programs. Republican­s say they want to help through expanded opportunit­ies in the private sector economy.

The Democratic pitch is more direct. But this economy is working for minority families. Black unemployme­nt is near record lows. Real wages are increasing. Latino homeowners­hip is surging.

Irony of ironies, Trump’s policies deserve much of the credit.

No other Republican can compete with Trump as the face of the party. And other GOP officehold­ers don’t need to rise to the media bait of condemning or endorsing every intemperat­e Trump tweet.

But other Republican officehold­ers do need to create some space between them and Trump. And to invest some political capital in the distinctio­n between Trump’s policies and his behavior in office.

When Trump does the indefensib­le, direct the consequenc­es toward him alone.

 ??  ?? Republican officehold­ers need to create a distinctio­n between supporting Trump’s policies and condoning his behavior in office.
Republican officehold­ers need to create a distinctio­n between supporting Trump’s policies and condoning his behavior in office.

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