The Arizona Republic

I’m a liberal, who, like many liberals, loves his country

- Ryan Starzyk, Phoenix Lynne Lagarde, Phoenix Roger Folland, Sun City West Todd Schwarz, Phoenix

Over the last several weeks, a lot of opinion writers imply liberals hate this country. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a liberal, I do not hate this country; what I hate is the division this current administra­tion is promoting.

Let it be known that this style of division is dangerous and putting people’s lives at risk. Look at the terrorist in Florida inspired by Trump to detonate a bomb on Democrats, Trump’s rhetoric toward four elected congresswo­men of color, or even his daily rants filled with mean-spirited anger.

I also served in the military, which is a pretty strong indication of how much I love this country. To see the perpetual dysfunctio­n between political ideologies is dishearten­ing, so too are unfounded accusation­s that liberals hate our country.

Being liberal is not something Democrats own, it is the very basis of our country’s foundation and roots. Equal treatment, freedom of religion, freedom to live your life as you see fit. This is the true meaning of what it is to be liberal.

If you are of the belief that somehow being liberal means you hate your country, you’re dead wrong and should stop saying it.”

Sinema is not marching off cliff with the radicals of her party

Kyrsten Sinema stands with the majority of Democrats who know that following the lemmings off the far-left cliff condemns us to four more years.

She is finding solutions as a compassion­ate pragmatist, not an ideologica­lly pure partisan.

Always a liberal feminist, I would now likely be scorned as a moderate, given today’s over-the-edge membership requiremen­ts.

My fear is that our fellow Democrats, expert at eating their own in binge-like

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❚ extremism, will manage to lose yet another election to the least qualified, most corrupt person ever to desecrate the presidency.

Despite the fact that the majority of new Dems were elected as moderates along with a few ultra-leftists, the party hears only the loudest radical screamers. Polls show the majority of Americans are not with the screamers.

Extremism is unhealthy for democracy and there is no silver bullet. There’s no one answer on either side, only collaborat­ive reasoned analysis — working together through the swamp of incivility and extremism, and meeting in some still-gray middle to manage, not totally solve, today’s complex issues.

Thank you, Kyrsten, for leading us in the right direction!

‘Squad’ members aren’t Trump employees; he can’t order them

President Trump has always been the proprietor of his own business, who answered to no one but himself. He is unlike a CEO, who answers to a board of directors and ultimately the stockholde­rs.

Trump has apparently always demanded complete personal loyalty from employees. They would face terminatio­n for non-compliance. (If they didn’t like it, they could quit.).

Trump’s problem with “The Squad” is that they are elected officials and not employees. He can’t fire them for disloyalty so he’s trying to browbeat them into resigning from Congress..

From the reception Rep. Ilhan Omar got on her recent trip back home, it looks like she has a better chance of reelection than President Trump.

Come on, people, let’s give Trump the benefit of doubt

I believe the president when he says there is not one racist bone in his body. The number is sure to be closer to 206.

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