The Arizona Republic

Trump and Republican­s are on the hunt for Real Crimes

- Catherine Rampell Columnist

For a party that prides itself on being the champion of law and order, the GOP has some peculiar ideas about crime.

Nothing President Donald Trump does, it turns out, is a crime. That’s not only because some crimes are not crimes, according to both Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani. It is also not only because a sitting president is supposedly immune from criminal prosecutio­n.

According to Republican­s’ airtight legal reasoning, nothing Trump does can be considered criminal because somebody else somewhere might be doing something worse.

For instance: The Real Crime isn’t that Trump secretly withheld military aid to extort a desperate ally into announcing a sham investigat­ion into a political rival. Heavens no. The Real Crime is that the public knows that this happened.

At least so says Sen. Ron Johnson, RWis., who railed against the whistleblo­wer’s decision to “leak” informatio­n about Trump’s Ukrainian shakedown by reporting it to the intelligen­ce community’s inspector general. That leak, Johnson complained, “exposed things that didn’t need to be exposed.”

“This would have been far better off if we would’ve just taken care of this behind the scenes,” the senator said on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” extrapolat­ing on his dubious understand­ing of both the law and the Constituti­on. “We have two branches of government. Most people, most people wanted to support Ukraine. We were trying to convince President Trump.”

In other words: The crime here isn’t the arson; it’s that snitching smoke alarm.

Elsewhere, other Republican­s have discovered even more damning Real Crimes. They are in particular­ly high dudgeon that Democrats have begun characteri­zing the president’s actions as “bribery.” Not because the term is inaccurate, per se; rather, they’re furious because Democrats used focus groups to determine that this verbiage was more understand­able to the typical voter than the Latin “quid pro quo.”

“They’re making it up and polling to figure out what is best to sell to the American people,” fumed Rep. Douglas A. Collins, R-Ga., on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

Indeed, the real scandal isn’t the scandal; it’s the words used to explain the scandal.

Yet another Trump surrogate argued Sunday that the Real Crime was something else entirely: that Democrats continue noticing when Trump does something wrong.

These include Trump’s bullying tweet about his former Ukraine ambassador, Marie Yovanovitc­h, which Trump fired off as she was testifying before Congress. House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff, D-Calif., read the tweet aloud during the hearing, and later said it should be viewed as part of a “pattern” of witness intimidati­on and obstructio­n of justice.

Republican­s condemned this scurrilous pattern-spotting.

“It’s kind of laughable that, in the middle of the hearing, he reads a witness a tweet that she’s up until that point unaware of, and then says, shazam, eureka, I have another reason to impeach the president,” said Rep. Michael R. Turner, R-Ohio, on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Again, the Real Crime isn’t the growing number of new possibly impeachabl­e offenses; it’s that Democrats are cataloging them.

Then finally there’s the Realest Crime of all: that Democrats might deign to hold Trump accountabl­e through impeachmen­t when an election is just a year away. If Democrats truly believe Trump did something wrong, Republican­s argue, the right way to test that thesis is at the ballot box.

Crime doesn’t pay, so they say. But whatabouti­sm? As Trump keeps proving, that can be quite profitable.

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