The Arizona Republic

US blocks examinatio­n of crimes

- Mona Charen Columnist Mona Charen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

It’s easy to treat Kim Jong Un as a figure of ridicule. I’ve done it myself. His foreign ministry issues statements like this: “If any language and expression­s stoking the atmosphere of confrontat­ion are used once again on purpose at a crucial moment as now, that must really be diagnosed as the relapse of the dotage of a dotard.”

His youth, his odd haircut, and his rotund physique don’t signal menace so much as clownishne­ss. But that’s a mistake. He is, in fact, guilty of crimes against humanity on a massive scale, and the United States government has just chosen to block a United Nations Security Council session that would take up those atrocities.

Remember the North Korean army defector who dashed to freedom across the DMZ in 2017? He was shot several times in the shoulder and back. The regime takes it very personally when people attempt to flee the “socialist utopia.” Officer Oh Chong-Song survived. When South Korean doctors operated on him, they found parasites – some 10 inches long – swarming his intestines. This is common among North Korean defectors. Oh said later, “Most of the North Korean soldiers are hungry all the time.” Though they are entitled to 750 grams of rice daily, the allotment is often less, because higher-ranking military officers steal and sell it.

Chronic hunger is mild compared with what prisoners and other enemies of the state endure. Human Rights Watch, the United Nations Human Rights Commission and the U.S. Department of State, among many others, have documented the reign of terror presided over by Kim, his father and his grandfathe­r. It would be instructiv­e for President Donald Trump to page through those accounts. Here are some highlights of the 2016 report commission­ed by the Internatio­nal Bar Associatio­n:

❚ A prisoner’s newborn baby was fed to dogs before her eyes.

❚ A prisoner’s pregnancy was aborted by three guards standing on a plank on her stomach.

❚ Prisoners caught digging for edible roots were shot.

❚ Prisoners were tortured and killed for professing religion. Guards were told to “wipe out the seed of Christiani­ty.”

❚ Thousands of prisoners, including children, have been intentiona­lly worked and starved to death.

At the start of his administra­tion, Trump issued wild threats to destroy North Korea utterly; to rain down “fire and fury like the world has never seen,” which sounded eerily like the threats Kim himself issues. Trump may have frightened the dictator – he certainly alarmed many Americans – but the next act was even more bizarre, a fawning courtship. “At least,” said the eternally hopeful, “they’re talking!”

Trump believes that bromide more than anyone, repeatedly boasting of his great relationsh­ips with foreign leaders (usually autocrats). He speaks of “falling in love” with Kim Jong Un. He appears to believe that his personal relationsh­ip with Kim can overcome the fundamenta­l facts about the regime – that it rules by terror at home and maneuvers by terror abroad. Trump’s minions mouthed terms like “denucleari­zation,” as if Kim and kin had not agreed to and broken countless previous pledges. The U.S. canceled military exercises with South Korea, repealed some sanctions previously ordered and showered the dictator with encomia. Trump blandly waved away Pyongyang’s missile tests, explaining: “These missiles tests are not a violation of our signed Singapore agreement, nor was there discussion of short range missiles when we shook hands. There may be a United Nations violation, but … Chairman Kim has a great and beautiful vision for his country, and only the United States, with me as President, can make that vision come true. He will do the right thing because he is far too smart not to, and he does not want to disappoint his friend, President Trump!”

Two full-dress summits and one kiss-and-drive at the DMZ, and where are we? North Korea continues to test missiles, manufactur­e nuclear fuel, threaten its neighbors and abuse its suffering population. In the last few days, it has also reprised threats to the U.S., warning that if progress is not made by Dec. 31, Kim will resume testing longrange ballistic missiles and might have an unpleasant “Christmas gift” in mind for America.

Demonstrat­ing his enduring affection for strongmen, Trump’s response has been feeble. By blocking the U.N. from shining a light on North Korea’s crimes, Trump conveys his desperatio­n for something he can tout as a breakthrou­gh – and squanders America’s moral authority.

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