The Arizona Republic



(March 21-April 19). Every successful person has a story of pain. It’s what makes attainment worthwhile.

(April 20-May 20). Announcing your plan is dicey. What if then you don’t follow through?

(May 21-June 21). Some of the big thinkers have declared the power of thought immeasurab­le, while others categorize thought’s usefulness differentl­y.

(June 22-July 22). In over your head? That’s what those swimming lessons were for.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Everyone around wants you to succeed. Even the ones who know they’ll be jealous are rooting for you nonetheles­s.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your expectatio­ns will be revealed through your behavior.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Having greater knowledge of an area will allow you to master it and be rid of a certain related problem forever.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Find someone who has danced in this field before and knows where all the slippery slopes.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Some people don’t like it when people tell them more than they wanted to know, but for you it’s pure entertainm­ent.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You are living a truly interestin­g life and have interestin­g things to talk about, although you may not realize it until you have the benefit of contrast.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Facts don’t get to be facts just by showing up factually.

(Feb. 19-March 20). You can feel when the energy goes out of a room, a conversati­on or a task.

(Dec. 27). You go into this solar year with stellar ideas. For best luck, turn them into a detailed plan in the next 10 days. Gemini and Leo adore you. Your lucky numbers are 6, 4, 44, 39 and 10.

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